Friday, October 17, 2014


                That old road... that old road down yonder... is just about as long... as it is long..." Luke drawled, took sip of wine, burped.

                The cancer of stale cigarette smoke and sour beer ate dim lit air.  On a tad too sticky bar a cockroach used feelers to test tepidity of beer mug condensate; but before quenching thirst scurried away at the movement of Luke's hand, as he laid it on the shoulder of bewildered man.

                Lonesome tear drifted down stream, water-falled from weathered cheek, rippled pool of headless beer in bewildered man's drink. "I just wish... I could be happy all the time," he near wept.

                "Ya know," Luke paused, "I once knew a man with only one leg, and he was hoppy all the time."

                "That is not funny," bewildered man chuckled cry.

                "Tha point be," Luke addressed issue, "not to make fun of such folks, but to help you understand that you need to be careful what you wish for.  If you get nothing else, get this... there is only one sure way to cure them honky-tonk blues... get out of the honky-tonk... get into Jesus..."

                "Luke, you been comin' round this here bar for nigh forty years.  I neva' took ya for no Jesus freak!" Bewildered man eyebrow raised.

                "True, true, I'm a sinner just like you.  Except I been forgiven, even saved." Luke smiled.

                "Good grief, stop afore you violate my political correctness.  Next thing you know, you'll probably bring a Bible in here or sump-um."  Bewildered man raised mug, took hearty chug.

                "The B-I-B-L-E, this is the book for me." Luke popped Bible from shirt pocket.

                Bewildered man choked on his beer, forced it down hard, wheezed in a few short breaths. "I don't need no condemnation," he gasped, "I just need my gratification."

                "Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save." Luke smiled, "Ya see, its not Jesus, but folks that rush to a lotta things they shouldn't: judgment, condemnation, intolerance, all being favorites. And ya might say condemnation is the tyranny of the intolerant; but here in the good old U.S. of A. we got one equally as bad: political correctness, the tyranny of over-tolerance even unto abiding evil, even to taking away our right to freedom of speech, or as I like to call it... the rush to caution."

                "But one man's sin is another man's fun." Bewildered man to sin so clung.

                The shaking under their feet was barely perceptible, until the structure of the building began to rattle... until the front door burst open... cue balls on pool table blew to table end... empty chairs scooted along floor... drinks spilled... a table flipped over... a woman screamed... bewildered man's cap flew from his head...

                As Luke's long hair slapped at his face, he smiled, he said, "Like dust in the wind... so is caution without care..."

                The white knuckle grip bewildered man had on the bar was slipping.  About to be blown away, bewildered man cried out, "Jesus... save me..."

                The wind ceased... through opened door the light returned... a great calm entered the bar... fresh smell of cleansing rain filled the air...

                Jesus loves me," said an awed, but no longer bewildered man.

                "Happiness is a relative thing... especially when one becomes a relative of Jesus... Yet many wonder why... til they look the Holy Spirit in the eye..." Luke took sip of wine... and began quoting, "That old road down yonder is the Roman Road to Salvation found in the Holy B-I-B-L-E." And Luke from his Bible read the how and the why, the very signs on that Roman Road: Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9; 10:10; 10:13; 5:1; 8:1; 8:38-39.

                A quote or two from the perfectly not politically correct, Jesus: the book of John 3:16-18 KJ, "16)For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17)For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18)He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." And... John 8:12 KJ, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."