Friday, February 1, 2013


        And Jesus said, "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."-Matthew 23:24KJ.

        Forbidden food were gnat and camel to the Jewish folks of Jesus day.  In order not to swallow a gnat, the religiously stiff meticulously strained their water, yet gulped down a camel instead. Not an admirable trait is straining to the point of busting a gut on minute details; and in so doing failing to see the big picture. Especially not admirable is placing such importance on superficial rules, that justice, kindness and faith are forgotten. Can you hear echos of our judicial and governmental system here? What is more important: cleanliness of the hands or purity of heart? How many Pontius Pilots does it take to shirk responsibility? 

        Perhaps Jesus chose camels for this allegory, because camels 'is' testy animals that seem to a lot of the time dislike everything, even each other. If it moves, the easily annoyed camel is apt to bite, kick or spit on it. When a heavy pack is placed on its back or a rider climbs aboard, the camel whines; and in rising to its feet grunts and groans. Does any of this sound familiar? As I write, I'm checking my own skin for sprouting camel   hair. 

        And why strain at a gnat, and why take on the charms of a camel, when we already got rhinoceri to fry? Why sweat the small stuff? Why split hairs, when God knows every hair on our head? Gnats feed on negative vibes. The more negatory we become, the peskier we are. First our eyes narrow, get beady, get bent, get short sighted. Soon our skin gets thicker and thicker till the consistency of rhino hide. Lastly, we get a long snout with horns to gore the air at unseen gnats. Then we go a charging through the Serengeti, snorting and trampling all manner of imagined threats. 

        Don't sweat the imagined small stuff; lest it grow to really big trouble. See clearly the gnat before your nose, before you run headlong into an oak. Why overreact, when a swat will do? Gnats and camels and rhinoceri! Thank God, Jesus gives us the option to be his sheep. 

        Although the cantankerous ain't no fun to play with, remember camels and rhinoceri are only the lonely. Poor, poor camels and rhinoceri need love too. Us sheep have a job to do...

        If "Gnats & Camels & Rhinoceri to Fry" will tame any wildlife rooting up the shrubbery in your neighborhood, please share. Watch out for that sprouting camel hair.