Wednesday, June 26, 2013


One day in July 2008...  A story true...

            Swimming in fresh sheets in the morning of a fresh new day, sleep never felt so good.  With sweet singing of birds in ear, my eyes awoke to swaying banana leaves outside the window.  And the light, so bright, much brighter than normal for an early morning work day... "Work day!  WORK DAY!! 7:40AM!  I've got to be there by eight!  It's a 30 plus minute drive!"  Fresh panic!

           How many times can a grown man put his leg in the wrong leg of a pair of pants?  And have you ever noticed how impossible it is to put on a sock when having one of those days?  Well I finally took one last stab at getting that sock straight.  The heel of the sock wound up on the side of the ankle.  Shoe got stuffed on anyway.  Grabbed a shirt and vainly trying to button up was running out the front door... when it hit me: I had not yet read a scripture nor prayed to start the day.

            Back in the bedroom , I started to open the Bible, hesitated, remembered to first ask in Jesus name for understanding, then opened The Word.  Psalm 42: 1-2 KJ, "As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.  2)My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" His awesomeness swept over me.  I thanked Him in the name of Jesus.

            But the specter of work loomed. Late for work! Late for work! I now had less than 10 minutes to make a 30 plus minute trip. And as I again sped through that front door, still trying to button up that ornery shirt, and contemplating buying nothing but pull over shirts from now on... I was smiling... Something not usual for a grumpy old man... Who was now even later for work...

            So I ran to the car, actually it was more of a brisk walk (old man knees), and plunked my rear in the car seat... still smiling... actually happy... even though late for work...

            Driving along sunny Hwy 35, after praying those usual prayers one prays daily, Psalm 42:1-2 again flooded my mind, "As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God?" Immediately I began to dwell on another scripture, one in which Jesus reveals who he is to a certain Samaritan woman at Jacobs well: John 4:13-14 KJ, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14)But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

            And there I was in the car just past Markham on the road to Bay City when... a feeling of awesome  joy swept over me and into me, filled the car all around me and yet sat in the seat beside me. And the Lord began to give me a little song... My first thought, "Thank you Heavenly Father!"  My second thought, "I'll never remember the words." Frantically I fumbled for pen and paper and squeaked, "Wait Lord, please wait!" Then thought quite correctly, "You dummy, you don't tell God to wait! Please forgive me, Lord, and keep it coming." And faster and faster the words came.  Eyes glued to the road I wrote as fast as I could.  Scribbled word and line one on top of another all around the page... And then it happened... I began to chuckle... God was tickling his child... That'll teach me... Mr. Late For Work... Mr. Hurry Hurry Hurry, alias Late For Work... Like a Father tickles his child He had me laughing...

            Too soon the car entered work's parking lot, a parking lot curiously, very curiously dark. I was more than puzzled, even disoriented. I had left broad day light at home and traveled twenty two miles... there should have been more light, not less.

            And the employees parking lot should have been full, not empty save one other solitary car. "Where is everybody?" I thought, "I'm late. Is everyone else late too?"  I opened the back door of the building; entered cold utter darkness; flipped on the hall way light; entered restroom, and washed my face. But washing my face did not wash away the confusion, a whimsical confusion, but still confusion. And why was I smiling? Back in the hallway I opened the next door to the main room; more darkness except for one little desk light in the back. Delores was entering a backlog of had to be done yesterday data on her computer.

            I quietly sat down at my desk. Paused for a bit trying to make sense of what was happening. It took a while, a long while for the computer to warm up. Its light popped on. Lower right hand corner of screen said: 8:01 am... What  

            The Song:   DRINK OF LIVING WATER

                                Drink of living water
                                Fresh from the Lord above
                                Blessed by the breath of the dove
                                And filled with Jesus love

                                Drink of living water
                                Panteth like the deer
                                For streamlets cool and clear
                                The dancing waters hear

                                Drink of living water
                                Use me as you will
                                Lost hearts to tend and heal
                                You are my Father still

                                Drink of living water
                                Panteth like the deer
                                For streamlets cool and clear
                                The dancing waters hear

                                 Drink of living water
                                 Panteth like the deer
                                 For streamlets cool and clear
                                 The dancing waters hear

                                  Psalm 42:1&2
                                  Isaiah 38:7&8 





1 comment:

  1. What an uplifting story! I enjoyed read it. =)

    And I'm glad that you weren't late for work after all. =)

    I found a card with your blog address in the El Maton Post Office today, so I thought I'd stop by.

    Have a fantastic day and God Bless!

    (Please excuse my avatar. I write a book blog, so it's a photo of the cover of a book).
