Tuesday, June 4, 2013


            The voices of yesterday... The echoes of childhood...

            Now Kathy and Bubba were sister and brother.  Playmates they were of a certain none too bright young lad, we'll call 'Me'.  Now Me's mom made a mother hen feel inadequate when it came to taking care of her one and only Me. Me, who loved to be free, climb a too tall tree, swat an angry bee.  And Kathy and Bubba, oh Me, how they knew the real Me!  How they relished to see Me indulge in danger forbidden by Me's Mom.

            On that faithful backyard day, when the ball went too far into the reeds and inky bayou water, Me stood starring down at that ball in that dangerous place forbidden.  And borne upon the breeze the sultry southern drawl of fair haired Kathy breathed, "Go get it for me, Me."

            And her goofy brother Bubba burbled, "Git it."

            'Its right there, Me," Kathy urged.

            "Right there." Bubba parroted.

            "Your mom won't care," Kathy pleaded.

            "Won't care!" Bubba nodded.

            "She really didn't mean it, when she said don't go in there," Kathy's full lips smiled as she knew Me weakened.

            "Didn't mean it," Bubba shook his head of dirty plastered down hair.

            "She's in the house, Me.  She can't see you, Me.  She won't know... Me..." came Kathy's whisper floating on air.

            Only a giggle, only a snicker or two escaped the buck toothed grin of Bubba, as he stood, as if perched on leafless limb, wringing coarse hands and squinting through dark eyes at Me.

            Down to the edge of the bayou went Me. Over the shoulder Me made sure there was no Mom of Me.  From the reeds and inky waters the ball Me did free.

            "O' happiness, O' joy, I've got the ball," rejoiced Me, as he climbed the rise of that bayou ditch.  And as Me's head met the grassy horizon of backyard, Me saw first the feet of an angry Me's Mom.  And so stood Me.  Only a dirty filthy ball filled Me's hands.  And Me began to understand... Even more than Me's Mom saw... God sees it all...

            The whipping was brief... the tears and hugs many... Me was sorry... Me was forgiven...

            And after God's own heart... Me even forgave Kathy & Bubba... Even the Me in you...

            ...For after all there's a little Me in all of us...

            (Jeremiah 23:23-24; Matthew 6:9-15)

If "The Ballad of Kathy & Bubba & Me" will touch the lives of any you know, please share.


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