Tuesday, September 17, 2013


            Where else but the Autumnville Country Store front porch could sitting be considered sport.  But there the tres amigos, Fred, Ed and Ted, competed in rocking chairs, just a tad more antique than they were.

            "Good morning rocking chair jockeys," greeted Mrs. Bode, as she ascended porch steps, "I see you all are wearing the team uniform and protective head gear."

            "Are you poking fun at our overalls and caps?" Ed complained.

            Mrs Bode halted halfway through store screen door and left jabbed his shoulder. "Just yours Ed," she laughed.

            "Ouch!" Ed rubbed his shoulder.

            "Beat up by a woman!" Fred ribbed.

            "Yep," nodded Ted.

            "Shut up!" Ed fended them off, "At least she's purdy, and she touched me.  That's more action than either one of you two geezers have had in the past 40 years."

            "Sadly true," Fred reflected.

            "Yep," Ted agreed.

            Fred stroked beard, spit, said, "Have you ever crossed the line, just to get to the other side?"

            "Been there, done that," Ed mused.

            "Yep," chimed Ted.

            Fred contemplated, "Have you ever had a date with destiny," he spit over porch plank edge, "and got stood up?"

            "Been there, done that," Ed said, added, "In fact her name 'was' Destiny, back in '43."

            "Yep," Ted was slipping off into that special place of diminished capacity, called The Ted Zone.

            Fred thought a while, then asked, "Have you ever accepted Christ Jesus as Savior?"

            "Nope!" Ed croaked, tilted forward, fell face down on porch plank. The only chair still rocking was the one Ed fell out of.

            "Is he planking?" Ted asked.

            "Walked the eternal plank," Fred observed. He swallowed hard, "Why didn't I witness to him before now?"

            Ted cried out, "This life is but a mist for a little while..."                    
                                        James 4:14; Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9 & 13




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