Monday, May 12, 2014


            "Likely as not a smidge of a tad is not a lot," Amy's lips sang next salted glass rim.

            "He is married!" Midge warned.

            "So, just a taste," Amy licked salted rim.

            "Kelsy is our host, our friend! How could you even think of hurting her?" Midge sighed.

            "See, George makes you breath heavy too.  That's it!  You want him too!" Amy teased.

            "Amy!" Midge just shook her head.

            "Amy wants," she purred, dark eyes following her prey across crowded room.  Her long red finger nails strummed, clinked margarita glass. "Let the pouncing begin."

            The elbow of Midge found the table.  The palm of her hand found her forehead.  "Dear Lord in the name of Jesus please give George the wisdom to handle this," Midge prayed.

            "Time wasted... is time gone..." Amy was gone... to the huddle...

            "My knee still kills me on rainy days," George half laughed to old football teammates Les and Mike.

            Amy slid under George's arm, her left arm round his waste in back, her right hand resting low on his abs. "What cha doing, boys?" Amy cooed.

            "Temptation beckons," Mike grinned, took a sip of lust envy from glass.

            "Purrrdee... done gone too far..." Les did not look away.

            George looked down at the flower in the shade of his arm.  From his face a smile of kindness glowed.  "Do we bear thorns, little rose?  Likely as not a smidge of a tad is not a lot... yet too much..."

            "How, how did you know I said that???" ...The heart of Amy stung... yet grew...

            Likely as not infidelity is more than a smidge of a tad stereo sin... The strange lips of adultery, the stray lips of idolatry are sweeter than honey comb, smoother than olive oil; but the end is bitter, the two edged sword sharp... Wisdom... Proverbs chapter 5...

            Stay close to your spouse... Stay closer to Jesus...


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