Friday, June 6, 2014


            Twern't unusual at the Autumnville Country Store for the porch planks to squeak song neath the dueling rockers of tres amigos Fred, Ed and Ted.  By mid-morning the rocking chair jockey full gallop race to nowhere rounded last furlong.

            "How can you not see that fuddy-duddy Waffle must resign!"  Ed spittle sprayed air.  He cast faded cap to porch twixt hole-in-toe work boots.

            "Now Ed," said Fred, looped thumbs in suspenders, "don't get so riled.  You might just short circuit your pacemaker, spouting all that politically correct trash about Mayor Waffle."

            "Had waffles for breakfast," Ted yawned the innocent agenda of the well fed.

            Ed retrieved cap, pulled it down hard on his head.  "Waffle just shouldn't a said what he said.  Comparing Mrs. Baker's fudge to pothole tar!  And right in front of the whole PTA!"

            Fred corrected, "Mayor Waffle's exact words were: 'Best tasting pothole tar I ever ate.'  He said that between gobbling down his third and fourth piece of fudge."

            "Fudge?  The perfect dessert for after eating waffles."  Ted's eyes grew heavy, his rocking weaker.

            "Just the same, Waffle ought to make public apology, then resign!"  Ed demanded.

            "So says the mayors losing opponent in last years election."  Fred illuminated Ed bred motive.

            "That's got nothing to do with it."  Ed denied.

            "Sounds like the sour milk of disappointment to me." Fred observed.

            Ed spit over porch railing, insisted, "It is no trifle of annoyance that Waffle disrespected Mrs. Baker's fudge!"

            "Truffle trifles in fudge..."  Ted ceased rocking, as he nodded off, as he chased chocolate truffle trifles neath the caramel oaks of Fudge Land."

            "Well said, Ted."  Fred reflected, smiled.

            "Yep,"  Ed conceded, wondered at his buddy in awe, "How does he do it?  How does Ted seem to always sum up what needs summing up?"

            And lo, the unleashed dream of Ted poured forth from his sleeping lips: "Ye without sin cast the first stone; judge not lest ye be judged; forgive and ye shall be forgiven, but forgive not and ye shall not be forgiven; see first the log in your own eye, before you remove the twig that is in your brother's eye; love God, love one another... from the beginning... to the end... the way... Jesus..."

John 8:7; Matthew 7:1; Matthew 6:14-15; Luke 6:41-44; Matthew 22:37-40; Revelation 1:8 & 21:6; John 14:6

            Hope you enjoyed this prequel to Been There Done That in the September 2013              

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