Monday, August 18, 2014


                                                         Cat On A Cool Tile Floor

                Twixt Paw Paw Land and Territory of Cooter Cat feline, twas no fence nor borderline.  For all that saw that old Paw Paw and that Cooter Cat agreed in shake head lament, "Now that old man is Cooter Cat bent."  And all went swimmingly well, in the home where the Paw Paw and Cooter Cat did dwell; til once upon a rhyme, granddaughter Autumn came to spend some summer time.  With pet carrier Autumn came to stay and play; and with new puppy dog brought to that poor Cooter Cat near total dismay.

                Now each and every blessed and precious night, it was tradition for Cooter to rest upon Paw Paw chest till morning light.  Then with, "Pffrrrtt-purrr-meow," rub furry cheek to bewhiskered chin and the Paw Paw awake, announcing time for kitty-cat food to partake.

                So twas one such morning that purring tween Paw Paw feet the Cooter Cat lay on the cool tile floor, as granddaughter Autumn cast a tad of frowny face distaste from the kitchen door.  And as Paw Paw opened cat food container, he and that Cooter Cat sang a well rehearsed duet complainer: "I'm hungry and you know it; feed me now.  Meow! Meow!  I'm hungry and you know it; feed me now.  Meow! Meow!  I'm hungry and you know it... Meow, meowww.  So why don't you come and show it... Meow, meowww.  I'm hungry and you know it, feed me now... Meow! Meow!"

                Oh did that granddaughter shake head and accuse from kitchen door, "Bad, bad Paw Paw!  You are supposed to love me more!"

                Paw Paw sighed, "What can one man do, when no one he loves wants to be number two?"  And realizing the eternal gravity of present time... Paw Paw's mood shifted from one of rhyme...

                Paw Paw dished out sustenance to Cooter; turned to Autumn and hugged her tight.  "True, Cooter is my courageous little buddy, fearless in watching over our home, even risking life defending Grammie's chickens and ducks from predators.  When Cooter almost died from wildcat bite, this old skinflint spent mucho dinero at the vet.  And once home, when he was too weak to eat and drink, Paw Paw sang to him that little song you just heard and its comfortable familiarity stimulated Cooter to eat.  No matter how many times I had to clean and dress his wounds, no matter how many times he threw up...  Cooter spent every night and every day in my lap.  I prayed and cried out in the name of Jesus asking the LORD to heal him. So, does this old Paw Paw love his little Cooter?"

                Autumn looked up into the face of Paw Paw, "Yes, but you still shouldn't love Cooter more than me!"

                Paw Paw just kept on a hugging granddaughter.  Autumn's angel face returned to his chest; and Paw Paw uttered the word of Jesus, "Consider the birds of the air, who neither sow, nor reap, nor store up grain; yet they worry not about what to eat, for our heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not far more loved by Him than them?" Paw Paw kissed her forehead, added, "You know how much I love Cooter.  How much more do I love you?"

                Autumn relaxed in his arms, but still registered a tad feather rumpled, "Humph!" Asked, "But who do you love first, Paw Paw?"

                Paw Paw rubbed his cheek in Autumn's hair; rocked her in his arms side to side; answered, "Jesus commands us to above all love the LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind; and second to love thy neighbor as thyself."  Paw Paw smiled, sighed, "Love GOD first and he provides all our needs; even a special little granddaughter... named Autumn."

                Living joy fell from Paw Paw eyes; then he breathed, "In Jesus name, thank you Father above for my precious little cat on a cool tile floor... but thank You for all my family all the more... Truly You have surrounded me with love..."

                                                      Matthew 6:26 & 22:37-40


                Mark 10:44 - Whoever wants to be first, must be the servant of all.

                Psalm 37:4 - Delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.






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