Tuesday, September 30, 2014


                Gone but not gone, like a contrary pet hiding under the house, amnesia had been missing for quite some time.  "Funny," Cheryl laughed, "how that nonexistent hammers the brain; hammers relentlessly, yet not quite savagely enough to destroy the tissues containing memories, so very funny." Her dry insomniac eyes hurt to blink.

                Across kitchen table, Mercie yawned, took sip of black coffee.  "Ya know, Cheryl," Mercie yawned again, "if you were anybody else who knocked on my door at 4:15 in the pitch dark morning," the eyes of Mercie narrowed, "I'd a greeted ya with a bat!"

                "Mercie, you always are a tad cranky, especially in the A.M." Cheryl giggled.

                "Four A.M.!"  Mercie grumbled.

                "Oh, its later than that," Cheryl reasoned.

                "A lot later than you think."  Mercie did not blink.  "Lord help me, my name may be Mercie, but I'm just a little girl, well, medium, er large sized old gal.  Help me!"

                "I am so sorry."  Through eyes of Mercie, Cheryl caught glimpse of her own selfishness.  She leaned on table to rise and leave.

                "Not so fast, little missy!"  Mercie patted Cheryl's hand before it left table. "Sit!" Mercie growled. "Seeing as how the fact is that your insomnia is not just your own, but mine also; I have decided to cure you, yes, even heal you... before I kill you!"

                Cheryl giggled, although a tad nervously, "Perhaps I might come over a bit later... in the day... maybe?"

                No, its healing time, sister!  Enough already!  You been whining over that Jack McMorron guy for over ten years."  Mercie took sip of coffee, sat it down not lightly.

                "His name is Jokull Moraine and its only been a year and a half." Cheryl whined.

                "Seems closer to twenty." Mercie half chuckled, then sort a fazed out in blinkless stupor, coffee mug half way to lips.

                Over rim of coffee mug the eyes of Cheryl smiled.  These too early in the morning soul searches oftentimes required the rebooting of Mercie.  Cheryl rose, retrieved percolator carafe from stove top, stood by Mercie, rested hand on her shoulder, asked, "Need a refresher?"  She poured coffee.

                "Truth be told... truth be told... would be refreshing."  Mercie blinked, as if message received from above.  She took sip of coffee. "It would seem that if only you could find amnesia, you, my dear Cheryl, beloved friend, might find rest.  But is that really the answer?  The big picture involves more than just letting go memories of that McMorron guy."

                "His name is Moraine." Cheryl cringed; just the thought of no more Moraine made heart ache.  Carafe of coffee still in hand, Cheryl collapsed in chair next Mercie,

                Mercie gathered Cheryl's hands in hers. "Finding amnesia is not the answer.  Finding Jesus is.  Move forward with Jesus; worry bout nothing, but pray about everything.  Ask in Jesus name of our Heavenly Father... and his peace which surpasses all understanding shall keep your heart... Let us pray together..."

Our characters take a bow:

Mercie:  mercy, grace, clemency, charity, favor, compassion, forbearance, price paid.

Cheryl:  dear friend (Welsh)

Jokull Moraine:  glacier of ice (Scandinavian);  stone rubble deposited by a glacier (French)

Heavenly Father:  The Living God - The Creator.

Jesus:  His Son - our Savior.

                                         Matthew 11:28-30;  Philippians 4:4-7



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