Tuesday, December 6, 2016


                "Perhaps," Tizzie Snit spit, "we might-a should-a ought-a thought a little harder before the consequences set in." Her spit ran dry.

                Once upon a faithless cloudy day, tres primas Tizzie Snit, Hissie Fit and Naggie Pit, well off they went to pick up trio plus one compliment.  Thus did once upon a time morph once too often at the curb of Dirge Drive and Lane Lament, where Tizzie parked pink bismuth Cat-o-lac and where Misty Drizzle fell next Hissie behind driver seat in back.  And as off they went, the question loomed just how long before... off they went.

                "Hi Misty," Tizzie, Hissie and Naggie in unison gave uncharacteristic welcome to new found cousin.

                "You are late.  What took you so long?" Misty drizzled.

                "What in blue blazes!" Tizzie's knee jerk temper was caught by the firm hand of Naggie squeezing that spasmodic knee.

                "What Tizzie means," Naggie interjected, "is we stopped to get some brewskies.  Want one?"

                "Oh now that's just peachy." Misty moaned. "I'm in a car full of drunks headed to Buy It All Mall.  We will probably crash and burn before getting there.  Worse yet, I could have walked to the mall and already been there.  But no-o-o, I had to wait on you clowns, and now, because we are late, my chances of snagging a Baby Haggie Dragon for my niece are next to dodo land."

                In front seat Tizzie and Naggie gave each other eyes in corner side glance.

                Next Misty in rear seat, Hissie's left eyebrow arched near borderline red hair.

                "Brewskies!" Misty groaned. "What's the matter, life too tuff for you sissies, so you gotta drown your toad faces in frog pee?"

                Hissie's arched brow developed time bomb tic.

                "We are here!"Naggie nicked the tic. "Buy It All Mall!" She squealed; more than relieved the trip was a short one.

                However, the search for a parking spot was not a short one, nor was the walk from back of parking lot.  But the complaints of Misty, well the complaints of Misty rained longer yet; sort a summed up with one last sprinkle of fiery threat, "Late, late, late, there better be a Baby Haggie Dragon left for my niece!"

                Tizzie and Naggie flanked a red faced Hissie on both sides.  Firmly interlocking their arms with hers, they half dragged her, kept her from jerking round to fling lightning bolt into Misty cloud.

                Once in the Buy It All Mall, twas not one Baby Haggie Dragon in lair to be found.  Only the lonesome sales ad remained taped mid shelf: "Babby Haggie Dragon - evoke glowing ember poop with just one magical poo peck poke - only $66.o6."

                "If you stupid sots had been on time, I'd a had my niece that dragon.  You ignorant," expletives interrupted.

                "Oh no," Tizzie and Naggie near same time, yet too late pled, "Hissie don't!"

                In both hands Hissie snatched Misty's dark long hair, hissed, "You acid dripping punk!"

                "Snake face Hissie!" Misty snatched red hair not her own.

                Hissing and spiting, Hissie and Misty tumbled to the floor, snatching, scratching and gnawing.  Indeed twas there no lack of cat fight attack rolling down the Baby Haggie Dragon aisle of the Buy It All Mall.  Till the entangled two rolled into main aisle stack of 60 inch smart TVs, knocking them sliding across the floor.  That mini cat-tasrophe gave no pause at all to their cat claw paws, as they scratched, rolled, and romped cross top most of them all, rendering them smart TVs, not so smart at all.

                "That's it Hissie! Sink them fangs into her ornery hide." Tizzie roared.

                Two steps behind Tizzie, Naggie made things so much not better by screaming the curse, "What kind of stupid jerk morons are you!"

                Twas then the serious dual throat choking began, as ring side jeers broke out from the gathering mall crowd.  Just as the mutual choking the life out of each other two, turned a lighter shade of blue, the hero thru jeering crowd stepped thru: the rumored to exist and for sure all elusive Buy It All Mall sales assistant... whose pin on name tag read... Figgy Mint...                    

                And there Figgy stood, above the haggard two, who by now turned from lighter shade of blue to deep ocean hue. Thus, at the feet of Mr. Figgy lay the now detangled gasping for air two.

                "Baby Haggie Dragon seekers, I presume." Figgy shook head.

                "You," Misty choked out, "you got one?"

                "Baby Haggie Dragon, hm-hmm-hmmm." Figgy shook head the more.

                "I was here first," Hissie gasped out.

                "No, I was," one after another of the mall crowd avowed tout.

                "But these clowns made me late," Misty drizzled.

                "Well maam, and the rest of you folks, you do not know just how well off you are." Figgy nod affirmed. "Seems you all received reprieve from cute fluffy Baby Haggie Dragon's spell of hell." Figgy looked down at Misty. "Had you not been late, your loved one for whom that toy was meant just might have kept a for real dragon fate."

                Figgy looked up, peered all around thru crowd no longer loud.  He looked back down at Misty and at Hissie, and said, "You see it is not just you but every shopper in here who is late.  For this very morning it was as if... unseen hands held Buy It All Mall doors clamped tight.  No one got in till we received the recall notice; which is the reason for the bare shelves.  Seems when the poo peck belly button of Baby Haggie Dragon is pushed, it produces more than advertised, not just glowing poop, but for real embers, red pulsing balls of fire that have set homes and loved ones aflame.  So thank God... you are late."

                "I could have been responsible for burning up my niece and her whole family." Misty grasped only a bit of eternal flame.

                "Yes, we all need to be careful about what we bring into our homes," Figgy, a sweet kind of guy in a dietary fiber kind of a way, sighed, "for not all that is cute and fluffy is harmless.  Even that 'old deceiving dragon', Satan, the prince of darkness, masquerades as an angel of light; prowls the earth seeking whom he might devour, and drag with him into eternal flame.  Yet, so many are here to purchase, even fight to possess and bring a symbol of evil into their homes."

                "Toys, games, music, movies... what have we done?" Naggie spoke lament of most all, at the Buy It All Mall.

In this gift giving Christmas season, please be careful to honor the true light of life, Jesus... not the opposition...

John 8:12;  Genesis chapter 3;  2nd Corinthians 11:14 NIV;  1st Peter 5:8;   Revelation 20:1-2                          


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