Wednesday, May 23, 2018


                Tess wink shouted conspiracy.  The flip of her sun kissed auburn hair sang I don't care.  Both hitched glitch to over the table negotiations; and as her eyes locked into Ted's, her left hand inched closer to last slice of Galactic Pizza Palace pizza.

                Ted winked right back.

                Tess blinked. "You know I am only doing this for your own good, saving you from indigestion, heart burn, even flabbier love handles."

                Ted winked again.

                "You didn't!  Did I just see the unmistakable eye nod of innuendo, the hint of insinuation, veiled reflection, perhaps oblique allusion, or even more the wink of retaliatory shenanigan?" Tess huffed.

                "Just flirting, Hon." Ted eyes had grown wide with, "Let me outta here!  Women are crazy."

                Tess arose from seat.  One hand on hip, one behind back, she rounded table, stood over and glared down at him, slid arm round his neck, plopped in Ted lap, cooed, "Ahh, the conspiracy... of love."  Tess lips met his.

                Ted's right arm and hand hugged her to him, while left hand searched table top for last gasp grasp of...

                "Looking for this, pizza breath?" Tess teased, waved last chance for peace, piece a pizza, before Ted a hungered eyes. "Do you smell it? Smell the," Tess took whiff, "savor that aged parmesan atop pepperoni, mozzarella and marinara on that fresh baked crust?"

                Ted tummy gurgled.

                Tess nibbled a bite.  Her eyelashes fluttered delight.

                Ted whimpered.  Lower lip trembled.

                With pizza aromaficated breath Tess kissed that lip a tremble.  Then Tess eyes to Ted eyes shined love, as she shared with hubby last rites bites of Galactic Pizza Palace pizza.

                Ted mumbled through mouthful chew, "Tess, you are my Queen of the Wink."

                More than a blink tis the wink.  By the nod of the eye what we see is not always what we get.  For many be the signals beamed by curtain drawn eye: conspiracy, innuendo, insinuation, retaliation, even scorn; or perhaps playful shenanigan, flirting, teasing, favor, the yes of agreement, good point acknowledgement... or even I saw what you did.

                Like pizza, like most things people eat, the wink can be good or bad.  Depends on how used, the amount consumed, the motivation behind it, and most of all how God weighs it.  Just remember: God sees it all...

                Proverbs 15:3 KJV, "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good."

                Maybe acting in love is a good idea...





  1. Interesting piece! I never thought about a wink in so many different ways.

  2. Interesting piece! I've never thought about the wink haven't so many different purposes and reasons.
