Saturday, April 27, 2019


                "Many are the shades of color, few are the colors of shade." Ted frowned at what he perceived to be limited window shade selections at Blinds Are Us.

                "If only being semi-profound were a superpower?" Tess rolled amber eyes, played along. "Oft ought we trace the seams... of what seems to be." She sighed.

                "What," in Blinds Are Us aisle, Ted fidgeted with yet another box amongst a staggering array of packaged window blinds, "just what are you saying, Tess?"

                "Saying you reap what you sow." Tess tapped right foot.


                "Get what you buy." She lifted left brow.

                "What?" Ted squatted then squinted to read too fine print on box. "I like this one but can't find what size window it fits."

                "I'm sayin," Tess bent over, whispered warm breath in ear, "I'm sayin' you are a cheapskate, Ted, and it affects your sight." She kissed that ear.

                "So, I'm a sheepskate?" Ted snickered.

                "Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Not Sheep!"

                "Now you are talking birds?" Ted snickered again.

                "C-h-e-A-p!" Tess grew tint of rose round cheeks.

                "Oh Honey, what's wrong with saving a little money?" Ted only half kidded his one and only half.

                "We have cats." Hands on hips, Tess loomed over still squatted Ted.

                Ted eyed Tess toes strumming open sandal soles, a sure sign her patience ran tad low.

                "Shades have got to stand up to the elements, which in this case means Squeaky, Buddy and Lynx. You know, the other members of our household with long claws, sharp teeth and playful destructive natures, who like to chew slats, swat cords and climb what used to be our window blinds. You know, like the very reason we are here, Theodore!" Sole strumming toes reached violent crescendo. Tess straight arm pointed.

                Under Tess glare and pointing finger, Ted duckwalk retreated to the sturdier and more expensive blind section. "I was only funnin," he mumbled, almost ran nose to nose into little girl in the aisle.

                Pig tailed tyke turned and scampered round blind aisle bend. From other side of aisle, Tess and Ted heard her tattle, "Mommy, Mommy, there's a mean woman round the corner making a man crawl."

                "Forgive me, Jesus." Tess hid face with hand.

                They heard the Mommy giggle, "I'm sure they are just playfully teasing each other, dear. Often we ought trace the seams of what seems to be."

                Ted mumbled under breath, "Teasing as in my way or the highway."

                "Not teasing, as in my way 'is' the highway." Tess leaned over and arm around his neck kissed her Ted one more time.

                Tess and Ted noticed not the little girl had re-rounded bend in aisle til... "Mommy, Mommy, now they are kissing." She giggled, then sweetly sighed.

                Ted lips felt Tess lips grow to smile, felt her sweet breath breathe awhile, "Raise window shades, let out Jesus' light, for eyes to see sea of love."

                "See the humor, bend a little, seek and shine." Ted kissed Tess this time.

                P.S. Ted purchased those sturdier and more expensive shades.

                                      Matthew 5:14-16

(When you see an older aged couple holding hands, does it bless with hope and smile?)

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