Tuesday, July 2, 2019


                In cool of night Tess slid into bed, gently plopped belly button to belly button atop one sleeping Ted.  She gave a little yawn, snuggled face to his chest and with a smile drifted off to the lullaby of his heart.  Yet, the storm beat near; for lips abed asleep, secrets oft fail to keep...

                                In tide of night
                                from closet shelf
                                call shoe box treasures
                                of salty sand
                                of cool sea sprays
                                surf sway mementos
                                of long ago love
                                ebbed far
                                yet not lost
                                so on I drift
                                so on I sail
                                til set sail

                So did the lips of husband asleep, secrets fail to keep, from wifely ear where volcano and tropical isle oft beat one in the places of the heart.

                Tess had thought it a dream til the nightmare words 'long ago love' pricked her heart.  And as she gazed thru dim moonlight into the face of the husband she thought she knew, an ungentle tear fell down cheek, "Just who is this long ago tidal shore sandy beach of a woman!"

                Day break replaced moonlight shadows. Ted had risen, made way to kitchen. And Tess, well Tess still in bedroom had replaced dew of tears with eyes afire determination, "Just what ...are... you hiding in that closet shoe box, Monsieur Ted?" Therefore, ergo and oh my, Tess got up, and she got into that closed closet, dug around found that box of old, grasped lid, and hesitated, til cry spilled out, "Jesus, help me!"

                Tad more than a brief moment later, belly button to belly button in kitchen, did Tess feign concern? "Why is my wittle Teddy weddy's tummy so bloated and all growl-ly?"

                "You hid em.  I found em.  I ate em."

                "Let me smell that breath.  Chocolate!  My homemade chocolate chip cookies!"

                "Burp!" Smug satisfaction plastered Ted's still half a sleep chocolate smudged face.

                "That was for the kids at Sunday school." Tess protest morphed to hint of vengeance, "So, Ted, did you know that you talk in your sleep?"

                "What? I don't."

                "Yes you do."

                "No way!"

                "Way." Tess wiggled in his arms, stood tip toes up to his ear, whispered, "I found the shoe box."

                "What shoe box?" Ted waxed  tad sweaty.

                "From closet shelf call shoe box treasures, Mr. Talks In His Sleep." Tess poked his chocolate bloated belly with the finger of the hand that also held a telling photo. "Now do you recollect, Mr. No Recollection?"

                "I just woke up."

                "No excuses!"

                "I don't feel so good." Ted burped.

                "I have in my possession proof from the belly of the box!" Tess finger poked his belly gain.

                "What proof?" Ted tried to detach, backed into kitchen counter.

                Still belly button to belly button, Tess pressed, "The proof I hold in my righteous right hand." Tess leaned in hard... but the kiss was soft...

                Ted melted at kitchen counter, til his back rested against marble top.  Tess lips followed his as the photo slipped from her hand, feather floated to floor.  And lip to lip Tess whispered, "You were just a tad older than me then.  You were already walking.  I was still just a little butt scooter."

                And on the floor... on that kitchen floor rested faded photo of a young boy watching over a certain little girl at edge of ocean...

Belly button to belly button:
Proverbs 3:5-8 KJV: 5)Trust in the LORD with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6)In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7)Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the LORD, and depart from evil. 8)It shall be health to thy 'navel'  and marrow to thy bones.

Belly button: navel: literally/specifically the attachment place of the umbilical 'cord'; and figuratively/spiritually the center of the body and center of strength.  Thru the son of God Christ Jesus we become children of God.  Jesus is the vine that binds us to God. (John 3:16; 15:1-12)

Just a parting thought: The jump to conclusion... is oft a long way down.  Best do some research.  Avoid the fall.  Read God's Word the Holy Bible.  The book of John is a blessed place to begin.  (Cause God loves You...)     



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