Once upon a time in the non-enchanted town of Pity, a plot of party hatched for the day one Satchmo Algar Pity was born. And so it came to pass in this time of not so distant yore, that after work one exhausted Pity had just walked through Pity home door.
"Satch a pity that Pity is here!" Friends fired away their never surprising punster greeting at surprise party. "Happy birthday Satch!" Reverberated throughout the Pity house.
Satch, as always took all this kidding in life tide stride, all the live long while sporting the trademark winningest of any real estate agent smile. Indeed every friend took turns giving Pity a pity-pat hug, a trade mark hug that each and every one had learned from Satch A. Pity himself. But the last hug was the best of all, one complete with wispy kiss, and an "I love my Satch," from precious wife Ann.
And so it was in the home of Pity, in that town of Pity that celebration swung full swing. There was joking. There was joy. Candles where blown out, and wishes were made round a chocolate cake so sweet, it was sinful. Thus did Satch take such a big huge bite of the cake of Pity, that he promptly choked. Sinfully sweet cake had stuck in Pity's throat, and as he turned lack of oxygen purple, Satch truly repented of that cake too sweet, big huge bite.
"Dear Jesus, please help my Satch!" Wife Ann prayed forth pure pity.
And so was sent to the rescue Satch's best buddy Jonah. "Stand back everyone!" Jonah commanded, hugged like a paw clad bear, then slapped extra hard pity-pat smack to Satchmo's back. Thus big huge bite flew way far out, and from saccharin sinful cake, Pity was spared.
Rejoicing broke out over the salvation of Satch A. Pity. And so in one body the whole of the party sang: "Oh, it is so awesomely pretty what the grace of the LORD's pity... WILL DOOO..."
How much does God love us: Psalms 103:13 KJV, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him." (Love and respect the LORD, for he is like a tender and compassionate father to his children.) (Actually, please read all of Psalms 103 even out loud . Bless and be blessed.)
What does Jesus say about friends: John 15:12-17 KJV
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