Thursday, April 11, 2013


            Twas the 12th of September in the wee morning hours at the Hospital St Claire that little Caution Forbear took her first breath of sweet air.  The weeks flew by, then a month or two, but never did proud parents Aware and Prudence Forbear tire of each passerby.  For all, who peered into the baby carriage of little Caution, were greeted with exuberant smile and excited dance of arms and legs.

            Often was said, "She is such a caution!"

            To which Aware and Prudence Forbear would exclaim in unison, "Why yes, she is the same as her name!  Little Caution, our joy, our love."

            Oh, how quickly did new acquaintances see the dancing light in the eyes of the family Forbear.  Something friends and neighbors shared each passing day.  But one, who came not to the door Forbear, might think that with names like Aware and Prudence and Caution and even a last name like Forbear, that surely such named as this must unavoidably be timid, be nervous, even shaking in a hole.  But ala contraire!  For those Forbears were not only forgiving and patient, even helpful to all about them; they possessed the courage of a most calm wisdom.  So allegory ends...

            And treatise begins... Such are those who have met Jesus, the mystery, the secret of life revealed.  For Jesus blesses those who believe in Him with the wisdom to love.  Love God and love one another, the wisdom of the ages.  Love others even as God loves us in forbearance. God patiently endures our debts, even forgives that debt when we accept His Son as our Savior.  As God forbears and forgives, so must we also, for such is love.

            You too can be a caution, even a forbearer: one aware through Jesus; one wise in heart called prudent; one who with sweetness of the lips increases learning. So, cast not caution to the wind; neither be swayed by ever winds passing.  Seek first the kingdom of God... For God has said in Jeremiah 33:3 KJ, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."  How great is the wisdom and knowledge of our Creator!  What joy to be still and listen!

            Listen to Ephesians 4:2 KJ, "With all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love."  Listen to Colossians 3:13 KJ, "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any:  as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."

            The pathway of Jesus leads to life with Him in Heaven.  Be aware; exercise prudence; use a little caution; even forbear.  Tune in to Jesus, that your words bear blessing.  Patiently learn to be like Jesus: meek, yet courageous;  humble, yet joyful;  righteous, yet forgiving;  prudent, yet giving;  cautious, yet astonishing;  and above all, loving...

            If any might need a "Little Caution," with prudence please share.  And with sweetness of the lips bless them with the awareness, "Jesus loves You."

Proverbs 16:21 KJ, "The wise in heart shall be called prudent: the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning."            


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