Thursday, April 4, 2013


            Kids are profound.  Even racing the clock to deliver kids to school on time can be a real trip in the journey of life.  In our little town the breakfast choices are limited for hungry kids late for school.  When asked if a taco would do, one grandson exasperatingly exclaimed, "Tacos take forever."  So taco stand aside, the other choice was the country store, where fresh baked kolaches dwell along with their cousins the doughnuts.  Now that's a kid's dream breakfast come true: kolaches and doughnuts with a chocolate milk chaser.  What part of sugar overload and attention deficit syndrome does Paw Paw not understand?  Teachers, please forgive me.

            While the cashier lady rang up the sugary delights, Paw Paw lamely mentioned as a nutritional excuse, "We're running late for school."

            The dark haired cashier lady tilted her head philosophically and with a good natured smile said, "Well, I always say if your not running late, you are not on time."  Sometimes when least expected a gentle soul offers unique perspective on life.  A way of not only seeing, but being on that smoother path.

            "Wow!" Paw Paw thought, after dropping the kids off at school, "Not one, but two interrelated profundities of life!  Tacos take forever!  And... If you are not running late, you are not on time!"  Modern life, what can I say?  We live in a land where the wily taco, one of the worlds quickest meals, is considered too time consuming to be consumed.  We live in a society where abnormal break neck rushing and arriving in the split-second nick of time is considered normal.  Give me a break!  Better yet, give me a nap!  I'm tired of rushing!  Our legislators think they must pass laws or they are not doing their job. So, if they are going to willy-nilly pass laws anyway, why not give us one we can use: The Right To Nap Law.  Nap deprivation must end!  Save the nap!

            Seems no matter how we rush, we are behind, we hurry to make up time. Well folks, Paw Paw is sorry.  Paw Paw can not make up time, only the Creator of time can make time up.  His name is G-O-D.  And while we can not make up time, we certainly need to take the time God has blessed us with to share with Him. For you see we can not make up time, save time, get ahead of time or buy time; but these things are for sure: worldly time is ticking, is limited, and does run out.  On this earth God gives us time to learn to love.  God gives us time to choose His Son, Jesus, without whom both time and love are lost.

            Some accuse Paw Paw of over thinking everything... But one thing for sure... I can never over thank God... Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Jesus and his gift of time e-t-e-r-n-a-l... John 3:16

            Tacos might not take forever... But by taking Jesus into your heart... Forever is yours...

            If "Tacos Take Forever," will snap any you know out of the mad race to oblivion, and guide to the forever loving arms of Jesus, please share.      




  1. Aww, this is priceless. You are so right on all accounts, PawPaw! :) Thanks for sharing this perspective-shifting gem of a story with the world, and with me! :)

  2. Good advice for us all....slow down and take "time" to appreciate! Be in the the present.

  3. I loved this one! Thanks PawPaw!
