Thursday, April 25, 2013


            It would seem a fool and his folly are seldom parted.  A person can do good all the day long, but for one moment of lapse, one stupid word, one little nuance of frivolity; then its Katy bar the door, disgrace city, hibernate till next spring; cause that's all that is remembered by fellow peeps.  Far too often, "I will never live this down," becomes the crippling lament of a not perfect person. For as dead flies contaminate even perfume to reek rot, so the stench of a little folly covers up wisdom and honor (Ecclesiastes 10:1).

            Now we could talk all day about personal imperfection.  After all who among us is without sin?  Seems I've heard that somewhere before.  Maybe it was Romans 3:23.  And anyways, folks are supposed to forgive and extend grace like God does.  Was that Romans 6:23 or Matthew 6 verse 12 or maybe verses 14 and 15?  I'm sure it says that in the Holy Book somewhere, probably like over and over again, maybe even seventy times seven or more.  But today I'd like to concentrate on something that's just so embarrassing, so discomforting, so unabashedly disgusting, that, that its unmentionable!  So I won't.

            Just kidding!  You should be so lucky!  And yes, I'm sure you have guessed the unmentionable embarrassment is as the title: "This Thing Called Whiney Love."  Now before you Jewish folks start throwing back your shoulders, poking out your chests and strutting your stuff as being the whiniest people on earth, take a seat, cause us gentiles got game too.  If being whiney was a sport, no matter the color of skin, no matter the religion, we all got game, we are all guilty.

            So, what about this thing called whiney love?  First we must consult Dr. Webster.  A whine is defined as an annoying high pitched cry of distress or pain or complaint.  Now whiney love has three particularly irksome traits: #1, it is whiney, #2, it is so repetitive that it shorts out the brain grid of its victims, and #3, whiney love is the really ugly debasement of self to the point of out weighing wisdom and honor.

            Even if two whiney hearts find one another, beat as one; well, then they are just one bigger whiney heart, beating in whiney land.  For the whiney heart is an unfulfilled heart.  Even a truck load of whiney hearts is still empty.  And unfulfilled lost hearts beat in self destructive rhythm to the melodic beat of lemmings over a cliff.

            Whiney love is relentless expectation of return.  It is saying one is sorry, a lot, due to low self esteem.    So we ponder: is whiney love really love or no love at all?  The answer may be that whiney love is as the stench of dead flies, masquerading as perfume.  The first wiff might not smell too bad, but the longer it stays the stinkier it gets.  It is more about taking, than giving; more about self, than others; more about suffocating, than breathing.  Having cried wolf once too often: wallowing alone is whiney love's un-poetic end.  Defeat by its own misguided purpose is whiney love's reward.  Whiney love just plain stinks.

            So what is the answer?  Can the chronically whiney be healed?  Who could even stand to touch them?  They're stinky!  Matthew 9:12-13 KJ, "But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.  But ye go and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."

            Jesus, precious Jesus, no stink of sin can keep him away.  Jesus is the sweet perfume of grace and forgiveness.  Jesus is the healer and the gatherer of God's children.  Therefore, repent!  Ask Jesus into your heart. Receive mercy.  Be healed.  Love God first above all.  Let God love you.  Get life!  Then you are ready to really love others.  Perhaps even love that someone God has planned especially for you.

            Thank You, Heavenly Father, for forgiving me.  Thank You for Jesus who makes it possible.  In Jesus name, thank You.

            If "This Thing Called Whiney Love," might touch the life of any you know, please share...                          

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