Friday, May 3, 2013


            "Being sorry is just not good enough, little man!  You must pay for what you did!  Rules are rules!  Hold that hand out!  Palm down!  For dropping a pencil on the floor the punishment is the edge of the ruler, not one, but two whacks to the back of the hand!"  My how did old lady Scarakid's eyes burn excitement at the tears of her students.

            So was the introduction of first grade education to one Reginald Eugene Grett.  So did the life of  R. E. Grett, Ruey, as fellow classmates called him, so did his life, if you call it living, become a life tainted, a life sealed, a life over and over again pierced by poisonous arrows of error.  Error then arrow, error then arrow, too many arrows for error, till the life of Ruey became one of stagnant regret, one of increasing stiffness; afraid to move; afraid to make a mistake.  In the darkness of such a life, Ruey, as many often do, could have turned to retribution, to revenge, to crime and evil; but Ruey was a good kid, who turned blame inward.  So was the life of R. E. Grett, poor Ruey, swallowed up in the gaping pit of regret, the perdition of paralysis.

            And lo, one faithful birthday R. E. Grett sat in the seat of celebration before a colorfully adorned frosted cake with seven candles ablaze.  Festive ribbons and balloons of red and blue hung draped from the ceiling.  Presents wrapped in gold and in stripes and in cartoon characters lay near.  Shiny party hats sat on kids heads.  Noise makers blew and cranked.  But Ruey had lost the ability to see color.  To him the light was dim gray, the sight dark sterile objects.  Not even a noisy party horn in his ear stirred stiffness.  And the joyful noise faded away; and one by one the kids smiles faded too.  So it was said by anguished adults that a quiet party is no party at all.  Till a little girl, younger yet wiser than them all, stepped up to R. E. Grett and placed a kiss on the cheek of Ruey, then whispered in his ear, "Jesus loves you."

            And the bright of light flickered in the eyes of Ruey and he said, "I love Jesus too." And he hugged the little girl, younger yet wiser than them all...   (Romans 16:16 & 1st Peter 5:14)

            Continually walking on thorns decreases the ability to walk; births stiffness; leads to paralysis.  Why live such a life of regret?  Why let the poisonous arrows of the past paralyze you, when forgiveness and healing are only a breath away?  ...His name is Jesus... Call upon His name and be saved...  (Romans 10:13)

            Friends refresh friends (Acts 27:3).  Friends recognize need, both physical and spiritual, and determinedly act upon it.  Friends will even tear the roof off a building to get you to Jesus (Mark 2:2-12).  Just remember the physically damaged, the emotionally stunted and the dreadfully sinful all need love to heal. ...Let your love lead them to the love of Jesus...  And thus like the little girl, who stepped up to R. E. Grett, be younger yet wiser than them all...

            Life requires both sunshine and rain, the light and living water to grow... Jesus...

If  "The Life of R.E. Grett," will limber up the legs of any suffering the arrows of past errors and get them walking with Jesus, please share.  Jesus loves You.
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