Sunday, April 8, 2018


            Not all appears as it seems in the hill country streams.  For in the burning Texas heat how can cypress, cedar and oak grow so green long the dry bone rocks and sandstone slabs of the Amen River bed?  But just as the Amen River twists round every foot of hill, so does that hidden; for sometimes a few feet below rock, sometimes only inches, fresh running water runs, and often, so very often just round the next bend lays an open pool of living water.

            And round one such foot of hill, at a certain upper pool, on a large flat stone sat one Miss Faith Ann McTurity with fishin' pole in hand.  O' so still Faith sat with brown eyes not blinking.  He was there.  There below.  There also with unblinking eyes.  Not moving.  Contemplating eating. In a snap the worm was his.  Unfortunately for him so was the hook Mr. Perch took.  To the surface Perch got jerked.  And no matter how Mr. Perch flipped and he flapped, that hook to erase, he could not erase the smile of Faith Ann McTurity.

            Fish full stringer swayed from that old cane pole on the shoulder of Faith, as she walked round the  bend of the Amen River toward her tiny hamlet called Amen Corner.  And Faith sang, "One less fish in the Amen River; one more dish we can set for dinner.  God bless the Amen River..."

            For you see... Miss Faith Ann McTurity lacked not faith and maturity...

                                                      ...Where Faith meets Knowing...

                                                               ...The Amen River...

                                          Hebrews 11:1&3; Isaiah 32:2&3, 43:19; John 7:38
                                                             Mathew 18:3&4, 21:16

                                            Jesus the Rock from which the Living River flows...
                                                1st Corinthians 10:4 & Numbers 20:8 KJ



  1. This is lovely Forrest. It reminds me of the days when we went fishing with my dad. Our rods were homemade from the hazel tree. The same tree we swung from like monkeys - sometimes letting go to fall into the river below us!What fun times we had. Lovely memories!

  2. Your writing is always captivating and prompts re-reading! Don’t want to miss a word.
