Tuesday, February 27, 2018


                "Ever wonder how far is away?" Tess yawned, uprooted yet another sprig of nut grass from the garden.

                "Often does the way remind, before the shadow shines the light." Grunt punctuated Ted response, while pulling yet another long rooted weed that he knew not the name of. Ted glanced over at Tess, his eyes lingered there, and he thought, "Even in the late afternoon heat, even in dirt infused sweats, even with garden soil on the tip of freckled nose neath brim of cap, my Tess rocks that strawberry blond hair and pale blue eyes."

                Like all intuition imbued women when being watched, Tess wiped speck from nose, looked up, smiled, "Less admiration, more weed pulling, ol' man." Her smile grew as she resumed nut grass war.

                But a curious Ted could not help but wonder at a certain Tess brand of peculiar behavior. "Mind if I ask why you are separating the nut grass into two separate pots?"

                "Horchata de chufa." Tess extracted yet nother nut grass sprig out of the garden.

                "Horchata de what-a?" Familiar female voice chimed in from edge of garden.

                Tess and Ted smiled at each other, chimed together, "Good morning Barrett." They looked up to see husband Grinn at her side, both wearing their signature line of Grinn & Barrett khaki knickers and tees.

                "How are our neighbor clothing moguls this glorious and blessed morning?" Tess extended greeting.

                "Now Tess, you know we love you, but," Grinn grinned, "but when you start slinging round words like glorious and blessed, you usually slip into that irritating witnessing for Jesus stuff."

                Barrett elbowed hubby.

                "Owww!" Grinn rubbed ribs.

                "Don't be rude, Grinn. Tess only witnesses to you cause she loves you. Besides, you need to listen." Barrett returned attention to Tess, "Anyhow, what is this horchata de what-a you mentioned earlier?"

                "Horchata de chufa is a delicious icy drink made by mixing water with a ground blend of select nut grass nutlets, rice, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and tad a nutmeg." Tess blinked those pale blues appretiatively up at Barrett.

                "Oh sweet deja vu," Ted eyes lit up, "that's what that creamy white drink was the other day. Fresh n cold right out a the fridge and putting the yeeeeeee back in my haaaaaaa! Tasty E-N-E-R-G-Y!"

                "More like ick, nut grass!" Grinn grinned.

                "Too proud and stuck in your ways to try something new, no matter how tasty and good for you it is?" Barrett hugged Grinn arm.

                Grinn barely noticed the ebb in time... as lightning filled the east and shined even throughout the west, but Tess and Ted knew, knew the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, He was here...  then they were there... in the clouds with Jesus...

                At the edge of the garden Grinn sank to his knees alone... no Barrett hugging his arm...

                                    Matthew 24:27 (Jesus)
                                    Matthew 25:13 (urgency) 
                                    1st Thessalonians 4:15-18 (the rapture: "caught up together" in the clouds with                                          Jesus...)
                                     John 4:35   
                                     John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that                     whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
                                     Romans 6:23;  5:8;  10:9 & 13 (The most wonderful of news... salvation.)

                                     Jesus loves You! Love him right back.      



  1. beautiful! I love your words, they sink deep into my soul. Thank you!

  2. A lovely sentiment here good sprinkling of stubbornness and love. I popped from #pickledblogs facebook group to say hi and read awhile.
