Wednesday, August 28, 2013


            Never known till it happens, what sparks may fly between two old adversaries at a reunion.  Ten years had passed.  The faces had changed a bit, most bodies had added a pound or two, but one thing had changed not at all: the feud between a certain two, the valedictorian and salutatorian of good old Anguish High.

            Something about banquet tables invites the lonely eyed to hide in plain sight at class reunions.  Hide eyes, dancing couples reflecting; hide eyes, longing to be a couple dancing.  So dwelt the eyes of Matt Meeks, as he reached for punch bowl ladle, found ladle handle soft and warm.  His eyes drifted from dance floor, met blue eyes not unfamiliar, the eyes of Sarah Demure.  "Miss Know It All, I shoulda' known!" Matthew's hand recoiled from hers.

            "Mr. Know Nothing!" Sarah countered.

            "If you knew, what you think you know, you'd know better!" Matthew spewed.

            "If you knew what I knew, then you'd know what I know!" Sarah chewed.

            Was it something about the attraction of two opposite poled hearts; or was it planned purpose camouflaged as coincidence... the kiss twas soft?

            And so it was that Saturday night reunion led to Sunday morning date.  Matthew gathered Sarah from her parents' door and off to Church they went.  Of course it was a neutral denomination in a neutral nearby small town, but it was Church. And so they came, and so they settled to settle down in mid neutral pew.

            And after song and prayer, it seemed that directly at a certain mid pew two, the pastor stared, delivered yet another not so camouflaged coincidence of purpose, "I may not know it all, but I know our Creator, who does know it all.  For at night my eyes behold the heavens, the moon and the stars, the very work of His fingers..."

            There in mid pew did eyes open, turn to one another, well traces of joy filled tears.

            And so it was that planned purpose of coincidence came to pass.  Three children in the back yard played, while mom and dad were just a swinging in a swing made for two.  Matthew and Sarah held hands while sparking neath the shade of that old oak tree, a neutral tree of course... But then again twas GOD who made them all...
                     In the garden one became two, that two become one...
                                              Genesis chapter 2

                            The beautiful PSALM 8, a Psalm of David

                      The Song of Solomon, by David's Most Wise Son


                           If this has blessed you, please hit follow>>>




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