Saturday, August 24, 2013


            The highly doubtful doubt just about all, except that non-existent.  Seems a doubt here, a doubt there leads to doubt almost everywhere.  Ends in the fear of of fear itself.  In one such bed of despair, sheets tossed off for fear of something crawling there, lay lady Hylee Doubtful's disheveled hair.

            Next morning suspicions lingered on in Hylee's head.  "Nothing another mug of Joe can't nix," Hylee described her eight mug a day latte fix.  Seemed the only thing Hylee could hold together were trembling hands round that nother mug a Joe.  And even though caffeine sloshed to and fro over mug rim, Hylee brimmed, "I can quit anytime I want to.  I just don't want to."

            And friends, well what few friends were left, often whispered one to another, "Hylee's last name ought to be Deceitful, not Doubtful.  The only thing she doesn't deny is herself another mugful."

            On and on this went, till Hylee shook so bad, she hatched convoluted plan to visit Ol' Doc.  Surely Doc could ease her too tightly wound clock.  "What are drugs for?" Hylee thought.

            In the room of examination Doc pulled stethoscope from ears, undid the pressure cuff, asked, "Hylee, how much coffee 'do' you consume in a twenty-four hour period?"

            Hylee blurted, "I cut myself back to eight mugs a day!"

            Doc pondered a while, then smiled, "How big are those mugs, pitcher sized?"

            "No, no, not quite that big!" Hylee was caught, "A little smaller, maybe."  A tear ran down twitching cheek, "I'm in big trouble, aren't I, Doc?"

            "Let us review," Doc read as he wrote, "Trembling hands, facial twitches, vibrating eyes, pupils pinpoints, erosion of esophagus, stomach pain, not sleeping, not dreaming, no rest, paranoia, hallucinations," Doc drew a deep breath, "and one self deceiving heart that almost blew up my blood pressure monitor."

            "I'm going to die!!" Hylee screamed!

            "Panic attack," Doc added to the list.  He opened the door and to passing nurse ordered, "Ambulance - stat."

            Hylee survived.  Graduated the Betty Fiat Christian No Mas Latte Rehabilitation Center a mere three months later.  For Hylee had finally asked Jesus to cast out all doubt and bless her with fearless spirit.

            To this day, to all who will listen, Hylee does say, "Let not the heart plead innocent, when the spirit knows better.  Look to Jesus and find peace..."

                                     Jeremiah 17:9;  Matthew 7:7-8; 11:28-30


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