Saturday, August 17, 2013


            As wives do, Grace sensed something amiss. Knew the brain of hubby Bernie be boredom bent.

            Bernie R. Beorde knew it all too well as well. Seemed no thing and no one anymore rang his bell. Many in the shoes of Bernie would sport a story of infidelity not to tell, but Bernie figured it'd be just one more boring temporary spell. "Besides," he thought, he smiled, "I do so love my Grace." So Bernie puttered on with life. "Better to putter than not putter at all," Bernie smiled at only semi-lamentful life crawl.
            Till one Sunday sunny, while he and Grace were getting ready for church, from the TV set the preacher proclaimed, "The nape of the neck shines forth attitude. So why emit stiff necked ingratitude? The nape of the neck reveals who we are; even more so shines whose we are."

            Curiosity pricked, Bernie decided to explore; opened the Bible, entered sacred door; then through the window to the soul named Proverbs, his eyes did soar, "Remember our Creator that wisdom and discretion sow 'grace to thy neck' and life to thy soul."

            And Bernie thought, "What does this mean?"

            So it was that the slow puttering of Bernie caused him and Grace to be late for church. Thus they seated three rows from the back. For already all stood standing, praiseful song lifting, bodies swaying in the dance of grace. Bernie sang too, even added a sway or two, when the Lord drew his eyes to next pew. Drew eyes to a little girl's hair pulled back save soft singular curl on right side of nape of neck. And Bernie thought, "How precious..."

            Then the Lord reached out; lifted Bernie's eyes to see all about. See the napes of the necks of fathers, of mothers, of children, of the old and of the new. And Bernie saw... beautiful and bright each life of light... Saw whose they really are... each light of Spirit... each light of soul...

            And the river of each life light, all that made them who they are, their rivers of light swept over and through him. His breath left him. He was drowning in too much to bear. He sank to his chair. Bernie whispered, "Take it from me, Lord... Yet, so beautiful... Just a little while longer, Lord." And again he stood, as his tears flowed with the flood of beautiful lights.

            From then on the nape of the neck of Bernie Beorde shined forever more never bored.

                ...By the light of Jesus, the neck receives grace...

                ...By the nape of the neck, your light is shown...

                 ...You are wonderfully and fearfully made...

(Please note this little story is very closely based on an awesome, not so long ago, real life event... You just never know what blessing awaits, while praising God...)

                   Proverbs 3:1-4 & 5-8; also 19-22 & 23-24  KJV 
                   John 1:1-4; 8:12; 12:36; 1st John 4:17

                   Psalm 139:14 


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