Sunday, October 27, 2013


            On the corner of Hope Lane and Faith Way the second live interview with Mayor Bob was not going well.  "Mayor Bob, over here please," KOPE reporter Beau Airr attempted to refocus Bob's attention. Bob promptly plopped down in a pile of autumn leaves and began removing shoes and socks.  "Mayor Bob," Beau persisted, "will you and the folks of Fort Panic comply with government demand to relocate by noon tomorrow?"

            Mayor Bob stood. "Wheeee!" He gleefully squeaked, while shuffling bare feet midst gold and red leaves.

            "At least," Beau side glanced into the camera, half joked, "at least before this interview I didn't eat the fish and kelp salad down at Uncle Kelpy's Cafe."

            Mayor Bob stood still, balanced on one foot, picked up a golden leaf twixt toes and asked, "Well there Beau, have you ever walked barefoot..." Bob wobbled a tad on that one foot, repeated, "Have you ever walked barefoot in autumn leaves... and found childhood?"

            "Never a dull moment with the dull," Beau sighed.  Tried again, "Mayor, the President has declared that the people of Fort Panic are in imminent danger from the volcanic gas belched up by Lake Woemeeitchee and must relocate by noon tomorrow.  What is your response, Mayor Bob?"

            Bob bent over, picked up another leaf, "Oh, a violet one!"

            The face of Beau Airr deepened grim.  He almost seemed concerned when he asked yet again, "Willingly or by force, tomorrow noon the government relocates all of you.  What are you, Mayor Bob, and the precious folks round Lake Woemeeitchee going to do?"

            "Well Beau, what we are going to do is what we always do," Mayor Bob stated matter of factly, then kinda nonchalantly faded out for a while, as if in another world.

            "Which is?" Reporter Beau inquired.  Mayor Bob did not respond.  Beau laid hand on Bob's shoulder to bring him around.  "Which is?" Beau persisted.

            "Which is what we have already done and will continue to do," Bob smiled.

            "Is it a secret, armed resistance, a peaceful sit-in?  That's it, isn't it?  You are going to chain yourselves to trees!"  Beau Airr dogged Mayor Bob for an answer.

            "Well there Beau, me and all the folks round here intend to just keep on praying fer our enemies," Bob finally fessed up, added, "Oh, that and prepare the feast."

            "You are going to what!" Beau looked like he was suffering another Lake Woemeeitchee gas attack.

            "We are praying fer all those sent here to forcibly relocate us.  Praying our LORD above will shower them with grace and forgiveness; not visit destruction upon them, for they are but lost sheep in need of finding," Mayor Bob finally spilled the beans of blessing.

            "Nutty as a squirrel in a walnut factory!" Beau spit out, composed himself, direly warned, "There is only one road in or out of Lake Woemeeitchee and the Feds have it blockaded."

            "One way in only," Mayor Bob agreed, "and that way is Christ Jesus."

            ...The tomorrow of high noon found reporter Beau Airr and news crew in awe of what they saw.  Every man, woman and child of the sparsely populated Lake Woemeeithcee area had gathered on crater rim, looking down that one narrow way in, more a path than a road.  And holding hands, together they stood, singing praises to the LORD...

            Beau Airr breathed into the camera, "Everyone of them!  Nuts as a squirrel in a barrel of peanuts!  What is wrong with these people?"  Beau paused, reflected, "Or maybe what is right with them?"  Beau looked down the road.  The air in his lungs fled out.  A multitude of assault vehicles,  armored transports, bulldozers and black SUV's were lining up in dark convoy at the base of the road up.  The assault was about to begin.

            And even reporter Beau Airr, closed eyes and breathed good prayer, "Dear Jesus, please save these dear sweet people.  Save us all."

            "Fear not, there Beau," Mayor Bob laid hand upon his shoulder, "for those with us are more than those with them."

            And the eyes of Beau Airr opened, and he saw with them, all about the mountain crater rim... horses and chariots of fire...

            And Mayor Bob praised, "Blessed be the name of the LORD..."

            Inspired by the true and infinitely more awesome 2nd Kings 6:1-23 of the Holy Bible.








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