Wednesday, October 30, 2013


            Down Cobble Way, ye olde shoppe the Chocolate Box nestled twixt Hope Chest Treasures and Gifts By Fig Tree Fox.  The Chocolate Box, famous for scarlet heart containers sealed Chocolate Tears, that once past lips echoed sweet sorrows love lost years.  Every customer tasted such perfect sadness in each chocolate drop, till along cheek fell down sweet teardrop.  O' how that dark velvet cocoa dripped, that waiting in line buyer of tears for tears memory be tripped.  For not one who did eat ever failed to weep; no not one ever dry eyes did keep.

            So many came, so many hungered to know, how could any make chocolate so?  What secret, what enigma sans joy did proprietress Miss Bonnie Foy employ?  So went on this little what known, scattered as leaves by autumn wind blown.

            O' but the how and the why came each lonely, each waiting night, that Miss Bonnie Foy stirred each chocolate delight.  "Why, o' why dear Father above, why can not your poor Christian child find her one true love?  Please dear Lord in the name of your Son, o' dear Jesus bring to me my one and only one."  And from sad blue eyes of Bonnie Foy fell drops of not so secret ingredient... into spiral stir so chocolient.

            Till one faith filled day as store front roses cried the morning dew, in with the cool breeze of autumn a young man blew.  And in last step of steps for chocolate box he stood waiting, till at last his turn of time came at counter where Bonnie Foy stood waiting.  To him Bonnie smiled, but said, "Sorry young gentleman, all my chocolate boxes through the door have ran.  Please come back on the morrow, then you may have your chocolate tears of sorrow."

            But the young man said, "Of chocolate boxes I need none.  Of chocolate tears I need only one."

            Like the deer oer brook lept the heart of Bonnie Foy, anticipating cool fresh drink of joy.  From lower counter she retrieved the tray, and over last one and only chocolate tear did pray.  In her own sweet hand, Bonnie lifted chocolate tear to the lips of the man.  And lo, unlike all else who had eaten and wept of late, this young man did not weep as he ate...

            And so it was, and so it is, that by good gift of faith we pray; and our Creator above stirs chocolate tears to chocolate kisses in His perfect hour of day...

                    ...To our Father may all about in the name of Jesus cry out...  

                                    ...Our Father is faithful to His faithful...

     Bonnie Foy: bonny foy - Scottish for good gift; bonne foi - French for good faith.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." -James 1:17 KJ


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