Wednesday, November 20, 2013


            Lily smiled.  The birdees were a singing.  The sun was a shining.  Her hopes were arising.  Her husband was a snoring.  She twisted under the covers and plopped herself on hubby's chest.  Lily kissed him.  Half awake hubby Blake pulled her to him, kissed her back.

            Lily cooed, "Today is the day."

            Blake groaned, remembered wife's bliss born ulterior motive.  He hugged her tight, offered alternative, "Couldn't we just sleep in this morning?"

            "You promised!" Lily glared, then smiled, hiked left eyebrow.

            "Oh no!"  Blake squealed like a school kid.

            "Oh yes!" Lily pinned him down. "Let the tickling begin!"

            "AAAAAAAAAAAARRRrrgggggggggg!" Blake suddenly ran out of breath and almost excuses.

            "Hubby kryptonite!" Lily giggled.  She halted tickle attack, cooed, demanded, "Today is the day..."

            "But, but, but its Saturday, yeah that's it, its Saturday," Blake lied, but could not stop the smile poking at his face.

            You know today is the day, the LORD's day."  Lily nipped his nose with her teeth, added, "Sunday, you heathen!  Must I spell it out for you?"

            "Does God allow heathens in church?  See I can't go." Blake feigned disappointment.

            "All have sinned and fallen short," Lily beamed.  "I was a heathen too, only weeks ago."

            "Why are you so happy about that?" Blake genuinely wondered.

            "Because... just because... you'll see..." Lily promised.

            Later that morning on church steps a lovely old lady in Jesus T-shirt greeted Lily with a hug and Blake with warm hand shake.  Lily blurted out, "Mrs. Lovall, this is Blake, my heathen husband."

            Blake turned red, protested, "Lily!!"

            "Well!" Mrs. Lovall lifted left eyebrow, smiled, "Well, we were all once heathens, Blake; but you'll see..." Mrs. Lovall hugged him.

            "Why is everyone so friendly?" Blake whispered as he and Lily crossed church threshold. "These folks act like they know me, even love me."

            "You'll see..." Lily promised.

            And standing in front of a pew with Lily at side, the eyes of Blake did see, his ears did hear, his heart burned Holy Spirit clear, what God has planned for us... Saw deep into the multitude of people swaying, some dancing, lifting hands in angelic swirl amid praise filled song and music.  And as the band played on, the praise, the worship amplified, and the heart of a certain heathen more than imagined... so must be heaven... And Blake sang along the words on the overhead screen; and Blake swayed arms uplifted; and Blake praised and worshiped the Living God and his Son ...Jesus...  and Blake never wanted it to end...

            And Lily smiled...

Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9;  John 3:16



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