Friday, January 24, 2014


            More than just cousins were Miss Lolly Gag and Dawdle Idly.  Best friends they were with much in common.  Where one lollied the other was sure to dawdle.  What they didn't lackadaisically waste, they most certainly fruitlessly dis-labored.  Any time and always seemed a good time to procrastinate.  And the one thing they procrastinated most about was spiritual life.  After all, thought required effort, and effort to Lolly Gag and Dawdle Idly was unthinkable.  And my oh my, how the time flew by... to that faithless day when one gagged, while the other idled...

            And it came to pass in an opulent sky box at a certain super football game in a wildly super arena  that Lolly and Dawdle had much bet on the underdog.  And in the final countdown Lolly's team scored the winning touchdown, just as she half swallowed a generous chunk of Cajun chicken wing.  In her windpipe it did lodge, but screaming drunken fans, including best friend Dawdle, failed to comprehend Lolly's frantic dance was with death, not celebration.  Then, as Lolly gagged, as she turned first blue then dark purple, her last dance stopped.  Lolly stood dreadfully still amongst the writhing revelers.

            Dawdle turned to see her BFF, see her eyes cross, see the body of Lolly take a backward stiff as a board swan dive.  Dawdle tried to grab her, but only succeeded in falling forward herself.  And as Lolly hit the floor on her back with a horrible smack, her lungs violently compressed their oxygen depleted air.  Like a bullet on a mission that chunk of spicy Cajun chicken dislodged and shot out of Lolly's mouth straight into the left eye ball of a still falling Dawdle...

            At the hospital Dawdle lay in a bed.  "We are not quite sure," the Nurse said, "whether your left eye will see again."

            In reply, Dawdle only smiled, turned head, and with her one good eye did see in bed across the room her BFF.  Dawdle reached out to hold the hand of Lolly, not realizing her one eyed depth perception would take some getting use to.  Too far away lay Lolly, but even with cracked ribs she reached out to Dawdle.  The Nurse smiled and pushed Dawdle's bed closer.  And Lolly and Dawdle held hands...

            Three Sundays later, hands reverently holding Holy Bibles in laps, Lolly and Dawdle sat in church. They listened to the Pastor speak of the disciples fishing all night long with nets on the Sea of Galilee and catching nothing; until the resurrected Christ Jesus appeared on the shore and called out to them as recorded in John 21:6 KJ, "And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.  They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes"

            And Lolly and Dawdle did the unthinkable: put forth effort and thought as the Pastor taught: "As Jesus spoke to the disciples from shore, so does he speak to us today from heaven.  Some sitting in this very church today have led a life that is but a dark night in which over and over again they have cast their net on the wrong side of the boat.  The wrong side of the boat, the wrong side of life, where only emptiness is caught.  Perhaps some sitting here have even been recently reminded of how short life is.  That no one is guaranteed another breath, not even another beat of the heart.  Today, to you, do you hear Jesus calling, calling: 'Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.'  Find repentance and forgiveness; find redemption and salvation; find abundant life, even life eternal; and find love and find peace: all found in Jesus."

            And that very morning Lolly and Dawdle found their NBFF (New Best Friend Forever)... JESUS...

Jesus speaks as recorded in John 15:12-13 KJ, "12)This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13)Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Postscripts for the studious: Mark 9:47; Hebrews 12:6; Acts 9: 1-20...

                                                          Allegory & Scripture



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