Monday, February 10, 2014


            Ahab B. Tempest too often of his home town complained, "The best thing I can say about Scope, Texas, is everybody has got to be from somewhere.  Why two roads cross this corner to nowhere is beyond me.  We got no springs nor streams, no rivers nor lakes, no trees nor mountains.  In fact the highest naturally occurring scenery around here is a festering mole hole hill smack dab in the middle of my garden.  I hates them moles!  One day you got a row of carrots; the next day you got nothing but mounds of violated dirt!  I hate em'!  I've poisoned, trapped, sonic repelled and even tried electrocuting them nasty critters; but mole hole horde invasion just never ends."

            This errant rant twas all too familiar to neighbor Mary Webster, who tried one more time to explain "It is not a mole hole, Ahab.  Moles are not your problem.  Your missing vegetables problem is gophers, not moles.  Gophers eat vegetation; moles eat insects, grubs and such."

            "Gophers smoephers!"  Ahab escalated to red faced exasperation, "Its moles!  Its moles!  Its moles! And they are all gonna' die!!" The mole whole to madness lit Ahab's fire, morphed his ire to unicycle peddling psycho desire.

            Off to the old, old barn Ahab stomped.  Mary shook head, retreated from garden to the assumed safety of her own back yard.  She turned to scrutinize the return of Ahab.  On one shoulder he carried a hand twist post hole digger.  Laden on the other shoulder were several pipe extensions to be added as needed twixt auger and handle for depth.  And strait to that mislabeled mole hole in garden Ahab went.

            "Concerned moles!"  Ahab spit, dropped pipe to the side, raised post hole digger over head and cursed out epitaph, "I hates moles for hate's sake!"  Down harpooned auger into the heart of mole hole!

            Harpoon, twist, twist, twist, retrieve and dump dirt!  Harpoon, twist, twist, twist, retrieve and dump! Harpoon twist, twist, twist, retrieve and dump!  An hour and a half drug by.  Mary Webster had long given up and gone inside.  But neither she nor any of the other town folks witnessed Ahab's obsession twist to evil possession of Ahab.

            Ahab screamed, "Enough!"  Cast auger down to hate stabbed ground, turned, stomped back again to old, old barn.  Too soon he returned to the garden with arms heavy laden with for real dyn-o-mite!  How many sticks of dynamite Ahab dropped down that mole hole, no one ever knew nor could conceive.  Nor could any conceive Ahab would stand directly over that mole hole, strike a match and drop it down mole hole throat...

            ...Nothing happened.  Off to the old, old barn Ahab ran, waving arms and ranting words that Satan himself took notes on.  Back, Ahab raced slinging by handle a five gallon can of lawn mower gas in each hand.  Down that packed with dynamite mole hole Ahab poured both cans.  Maniacally, he giggled, "No mole left behind!"  He pulled cigar from pocket... and as he lit it... so did his face light also in the crazed glee of revenge.  A few last deep drags really fired her up... then did he drop tobacco ablaze... straight into that mole hole to madness...

            No cosmic cross hairs were ever aimed; yet, by hand of man the crossroads of Scope, Texas vanished... Only an abyss remained... An abyss once but a mole hole mislabeled...

            Why turn a mole hole into an abyss... Does not the sting of anger and revenge bite both bitten and biter... even countless innocents...

            Life on earth is short enough as it is... forgive and love... as Jesus loves us...

            Proverbs 10:12 KJV, "Hatred stirreth up strifes; but love covereth all sins."

            Find a nearby Christian church... come on in and sit a spell... find the love of Jesus...


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