Sunday, March 2, 2014


Little Yellow Bee saw the wood bee
Saw the wood bee drill and saw
Saw the wood bee drill like an awl
Little Bee thought with awe
I would be a wood bee
If I could be

Big round and black
With a tool filled carpenter sack
Buzzing to and fro
Carrying pollen into the hole
A wood bee, I would be
If I could be

But I'm just a little yellow bee
Barely big enough to see
Queen Bee hear my plea
Make my wish to be
Let me be, a big wood bee
As I should be

Then said Queen Bee to Little Bee
Sweeter than honey are thee
You carry nectar to our hive
To make honey, keeping all us bees alive
So you shouldn't be, a wood bee
If you could be...

Be what God created you to be... Be a blessing... Be blessed...
Share the Word of God... Share Jesus... Share the honey...

Where did the saying "Sweeter Than Honey" come from: Psalm 119:103-105;  Psalm 19:7-11

Originally written for our grandchildren in 2004.


1 comment:

  1. How lovely and very true we always wish to be more than we are ...Human nature I suppose :)
