Friday, March 14, 2014


            The dust of dusk, yet the yawn of dawn, the usher of transition, the consolation of change, the cusp of day, twilight passing.  And so be this one such edge of morn, but rays of sun peeking over granite cliff, piercing gentle running waters mist... design of the Creator to pry open auburn eyelashes... curtains to blue eyes...

            As whispered wisps of ember to ash curled from driftwood campfire, her freckled nose crinkled with joy, breathed smile to her lips.  Her lithe arms rose.  Her fair hands gathered long auburn locks from gnarly nape of trunk and root, pillow and bed of cypress tree; and she sighed, remembering sweet lullaby in moon light on the bank of the Amen River... Until...

            ...Fish breath and wet tongue violated the space of her pretty face.  Faith jerked her cheek away; caught only glimpse of wet furry tail as it flipped over knotted root of cypress back into the water. "What was that?" Faith leaned forward, cradled her round tummy with one arm and hand, braced herself with the other as she leaned further to waters edge.  Neath clear water no marauding critter swam.  Faith looked closer.  "Nothing!"  She looked closer, then closer yet, face inches from water surface...  Boop!  Wet nose touched hers.  Faith giggled.  Otter chuckled, slipped back under surface, then back up... Boop!  Nose to nose again.

            "What are you doing here, little fellow?"

            Nose to nose, otter sniffed, then tried to lick the freckles from her nose.  "They are not dirt." Faith giggled for it tickled.  "Oop!"  Faith cradled her round tummy a tad tighter. "Time to sit up."  She rubbed pregnant tummy, looked down and gathered it into her blue eyes, "Must have cramped the twins space," Faith smiled.

            Otter waddled up, sat up, gently placed both paws on her tummy, looked up into Faith's face and merrily chirped.  Her tummy began to move neath otter paws.  Otter whistled, wiggled head side to side...

            "Who is your little friend?" From the comfort of sleeping bag Pastor Tim yawned, scratched sandy mop atop his head. At the sound of his voice otter turned, disappeared again over cypress root back into the Amen River.

            "Awww, he's gone,"  Faith looked upon the ripples of the water, evidence of things not seen.

            "Well," Pastor Tim raised an eye brow, "why play with otters, when you can snuggle with husband."  Tim invited, flipped back flap of sleeping sack.

            Faith stood, waddled over and crawled in with her back to him.  Tim covered her, gathered her close in his arms.  "So, I get the back treatment!"  Tim smiled, swept auburn hair from freckled nape of neck, planted kiss.

            You scared him away," Faith pouted, pulled her neck away.

            Tim gathered her closer, was just about to kiss her ear, but, "Well looky here, your little buddy turns out to be a girlfriend."

            Otter and three pups had come to visit at the foot of sleeping bag.  Momma otter slinked up on mid sack, turned head, chirped.  The three pups scampered up and swarmed over momma.

            Pastor Tim observed, "There has got to be a Sunday sermon in all this somewhere."

            "Chirp, chip, bark and squeak..."  Momma otter sang to the ears of Faith.

            Faith smiled, "She is saying don't count your chicks till they hatch."

            Caressing her auburn hair into place round her ear, Tim smiled too, although not quite exactly sure of what he was smiling about.

            No next day Sunday morning sermon did Pastor Tim preach.  Most of the church congregation was with him at the hospital, praying and waiting, waiting and praying; until...

            Tim opened the door to Faith... understood not so coincidental otter coincidence on that bank of the Amen River... For Tim went to side of bed... where Faith lay... saw not twins... but saw three... count them three... in the arms of Faith... And Tim praised the LORD... from twilight to twilight to twilight... in song:

            Cross on over to the other side of the Amen River by faith... into the palm of Jesus hand... into the promised land... of living water... water... water... ... ... drink His water... water... water... cool and clear water... water... water... ... ... water... ... ...

                                 John 4:14; Philippians 4:4-7; Matthew 28:19

            Endless water... water... water... ... ... Everlasting water... water... water... ... ... Forever living water... water... water... ... ... Jesus... ... ...  Endless water... water... water... ... ... Everlasting water... water... water... ... ... Forever living water... water... water... ... ... Jesus... ... ... And sing and sing and sing... And sing and sing and sing... And sing and sing and sing... ... ... Jesus... Jesus... Jesus... ... ... Jesus... Jesus... Jesus... ... ... Jesus...Jesus... Jesus... ... ... Of Jesus forever sing... Of Jesus forever sing... Of Jesus forever sing... Of Jesus...




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