Sunday, November 16, 2014


                "Where's the gravy?" Echoed within the walls of the Sun Rise Diner and the ears of Flo.  Plate laden with scrambled eggs, smoked bacon and buttermilk biscuits barely on table alit, before Roy ism-ized, "Life is just too short... not to have no gravy."

                 "You are a regular gravy savage, Roy.  But before you go on the warpath, Cookie needs a sec to whoop up a fresh batch," Flo placated.

                "Fresh batch!" Roy fained offense, "I needs me gravy aged and gamy.  Gravy that can stand on its own two hind legs, put up a fight!  Gravy that's got a be chewed, subdued..."

                "... not no knock kneed whiney sissy gravy, but gravy with some sass!" Flo recited rest of all too familiar rant.

                "AAaaarrrr - aa-rrr-rrrr!" Roy laughed a hearty. "Hey Flo, you forgot to roll yer eyes when ya said that." He chuckled a tad more.

                "My eye rollin days are on hold, Roy.  It's the only part of me that ever gets a vacation round here." Flo sighed.

                "Aww Flo, you know you'd miss me too much to take a vacation." Roy laughed, but half hoped Flo might someday declare her love.

                "Miss you?  Roy, you eat near three meals a day, six days a week in this greasy spoon; every meal smothered in gravy; gravy that with every bite gets you one step closer to being permanently missed.  Sometimes good gravy... is no gravy at all." Flo raised right eyebrow.

                "I'd rather bleed gravy, than choke on salad!" Roy mattered the fact, "God created the rabbit to mow that garden of old, not Adam and Eve."

                "Oh, like they didn't eat fruit?" Flo shot back.

                "We all know how that worked out, now don't we." Roy observed.

                "Well Roy," Flo looked down nose at him, pontificated, "what if there is no gravy in heaven?"

                "Flo, ya ought ta know: It's on earth that we oft as not fall off the gravy boat; but when we reach home port... it's all gravy in heaven."

                Flo smiled, "Now that sure is deep for one old Roy boy.  Ya know, I might even ask you to go to church with me Sunday," She paused to make sure Roy boy ears did heed, "but on certain conditions."

                "Anything for you, Flo."  Roy boy heart swam the Swoony River.

                "So, next time you eat here," Flo cooed, "let me order for you, say a broiled steak instead of chicken-fried, and a pile of green beans to go along with them mashed tatters."

                "As long as them green beans got just a dribble or two a gravy on top, I..." Flo hug most near knocked old Roy boy out a chair. "GOOD GRAVY!" Echoed within the walls of the Sun Rise Diner and within the heart of Flo... And Roy hugged Flo back, and said, "Sometimes ya gotta give up the gravy... ta get the real gravy..."

                ...And it came to pass on a certain sunny Sunday morning, that sitting in church next to Flo, Roy prayed, "Thank you LORD above for turning this old boys lonesome heart... to one a dancin..."

                Good gravy is best... when seasoned with Jesus' love...

                                        Psalm 30:11-12




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