Thursday, December 4, 2014


                Though Ambi said little, she knew that some, perhaps all, bear no less than at least one thorn; a thorn in the flesh innate born.  And Ambi knew too why carve out with scalpel, when one wee pair of tweezers will do; or even one better for some, for her, to leave thorn lone, that thorn be like the dropping of other shoe.  Indeed Ambi said little, for the fewer the words, the more thought before.  Ambi said little, for by her thorn in the flesh, by her stammering stutter, her fewer words were made better, even made strength in weakness.  "S-s-sta-sta-stutter ba-ba-ba-better," Ambi often smiled at her often thought.  And thus though a stutterer be, Ambi cast miles of smiles alee.

                So, Ambi's dance of life continued on, not switched off to the goal before her.  There were things to be done.  And when one, or more often yet some, anywhere near Ambi applied the big put down, the noose was loosed by unseen hand, til... well you all shall see the Ambi waves of sea...

                "I can't take it anymore!" Bella bleated.

                "Or give any less," Lesley anted in.

                "Oh, give her a break!" Satirra in mean girl glee chimed in, "We all know Bella is more a give-up, than a go-to kind of gal."

                "See, that is exactly what I mean, people always putting me down.  How is a girl ever going to stand her ground with so much negativity all around." Bella felt the pile heaped on.

                All eyes shifted to the silent one, who of stuttering tongue, Ambi offered none, but upon them eyes of love shone.  Then Ambi looked down, down at her feet; shuffled shoe forward, lifted toe, wiggled it round, tilted it to and tilted it fro, till even the shoe bared its sole.

                All eyes turned to odd event.  Even others on that crowded street corner, who had heard Bella's bleat, stopped their lopping gate of day, to see what else Ambi had to say.

                But not one word from Ambi came into play.  The one shoe she withdrew, pulled it back under her to support the view of other shoe.  And still looking down, Ambi shuffled it forward, lifted toe, wiggled it round, tilted it to and tilted it fro, till other shoe bared its sole.

                And it came to pass, Lesley then Satirra gave Bella a hug.  Even others on street corner gave Bella a friendly wink, a pat on back, or a shoulder tug...

                ...And Ambi looked up from her feet, looked upon all with eyes of love, and blessing at last finally said, "Wa-wa-wa-walk wa-wa-wa-with... not on..."

                "After all," Bella smiled, "whose feet don't stink?"

                 Romans 3:23; 6:23; Psalm 119:105; James 1:22

                 Why did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples?  John 13:14 KJ, "If I then, your Lord and Master have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.  For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."


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