Thursday, December 11, 2014


                How does insomnia happen?  Well, first ya get up to tend to a mild case of salmon croquette roulette, fully intent on crawling back in bed to blissful sleep.  Of course ya are kinda stumblin round n-all, being half asleep, when bladder splatter alert over rides heartburn.

                After pressure overload averted, as usual the mandatory hand washing is interrupted by soap bar squirting out of hand to bathroom floor parts unknown.  And of course while unsuccessfully trying to find tha soap, being bent over n-all, stomach contents shift to throat as burning beacon of original goal, indigestion correction.

                Back in the kitchen, of course when ya reach into overhead cabinet for the near full box of seltzer packets, it falls, it spills, everywhere and then some.  So, after retrieving packets from all over the kitchen floor, cabinet top, microwave top and stove top, and the box is still half empty, ya realize that ain't all the seltzer packets.  So where are they?  Ahh!  In the toaster of course!

                So, now almost fully awake, but not quite, of course ya turn toaster upside down to dump out the packets.  Half an hour later, after cleaning up charred bread crumbs from like everywhere imaginable, ya finally get the seltzer all-a-fizz in mug of water; and after wiping up the of course I spilled the water too... eyes are all a tingly, one wide open, the other shade half drawn, sans sleep... and I still got that heartburn...

                At this point I tried to muster up a I should a stayed in bed pity party, but instead unexpected chuckle escaped lips.  I wondered... why... why am I not aggravated like I most usually would be...

                Then was when I felt the smile of God... Did you not pray for a story to tell...

                Man's medicine or Gods cure... Sometimes indigestion just needs trust and patience to pass... after a little prayer... asked in Jesus name..

                Isaiah 55:9 KJ, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

                Isaiah 55-all & Isaiah 40-all


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