Thursday, October 22, 2015


                "Does no one," Chef Noir swung open kitchen door, "love anymore?" Dread paled the faces of kitchen staff, at Noir's too usual pending wrath. "Is this tomb epitaph of Cafe Noir?" Flame branded scar twitched aside face of Noir, as his tongue more flames bore, "For that thief across the  Street Seashore, in her masquerade of light, in her Cafe De Light, has stolen, stolen my signature entree, my chocolate souffle soiree." Quote Chef Noir, "Bar the door."

                So dressed in opposite of white, in mass exodus flight, Noir and staff crossed the Street Seashore to beset Chef Suzette in blessed Cafe De Light.

                "And why have you, Chef Noir, barged in my cafe door?" Chef Suzette whipped hands to hips for good measure, as her petite yet plump Cornish hen frame flounced allure. "Do you not see our clientele at eve of night, dining in radiant Cafe De Light?  Not see the hour bee busy be?  For here the bee has come to sup superior honey."

                "Chef Noir has come to end your season of no rhyme nor reason; for you, you little thief, hath purloined my signature entree, my chocolate souffle soiree.  I am here to bar the door."

                "But the season of Noir has not reason, nor shall it rhyme anymore.  For your signature souffle soiree, although more tasty than any soup de jour, is but a common entree of many a cafe door."

                "But the taste is one of kind.  Do you deny this theft of secret ingredient?"

                "I have not stolen secret yet. But I tell Noir, I will." Suzette stepped forward obstinate.

                "Lies of a hypocrite thief," Noir let roar, "even shame shuns you in grief!"

                "To prove this claim of lie, only one solution does apply.  You must divulge this secret, this all powerful ingredient." With finger to nose of Noir, Suzette demanded all the more, "And you must do it quick.  Noir shall not bar the door."

                "Never!" Shook the lean frame of Noir, "Never be my answer evermore."

                "But you must!" In waves Suzette lashed against shore, "Tell us all, for you make accusations rash, you pick on Cafe De Light to bash.  So tell me, tell me this secret locked inside the chest of Noir."

                "But," Noir stepped back from waves threatening to wash away dune of parapet, "but yes, you have not stolen from my souffle soiree the sugar, nor the bitter sweet chocolate."

                "And!" Suzette tapped toe of shoe upon waves of light tile floor.

                "Nor the whipped egg whites stolen, nor the beaten egg yolks taken," Dew of stress stained the brow of Noir.

                "And!" Suzette did pry against Noir door.

                "Nor the sweet whipped creme." Noir choked in this nightmare of no daydream.

                "And, what is this secret, this last cloaked ingredient?" Suzette pried wisely more.

                "I can not." Chef Noir looked down to become at one with floor.

                "But NO!" Suzette stamped foot at the toe of Noir. "You say now.  You say this ingredient so secret.  Say it now." With arms stiff at sides, clenched fists she did not hide. "What is it!" Waves passionate tossed her into his arms shore.  Her life of breath pressed into chest of Noir.

                The lip of Noir trembling spake, "My Souffle soiree..." but pride the bar applied.

                In feeble waves feme fists beat against heart door, opened to soft hands upon the chest of Noir, slid up around his neck, her lips demanding peck, "Confess, mon ami, confess this ingredient so secret to me." The reflection of Suzette's blue eyes shed tears in the dark eyes of Noir, "Have mercy upon thyself. Confess this sacred secret of souffle soiree... this party of life evermore..."

                "It is love..." No more could Noir bar the door...

Why suffer in the scars of darkness... Cross into the light... It is Jesus... John 8:12

What is love...  1st John chapter 4 and John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Of The Wedding Banquette, many are the beautiful scriptures of the Holy Bible. These are but a few: Song 2:1-4; John 2:1-11; Isaiah 61:10; Matthew 22:1-14 and Revelation 19:7-9

And... Song of Solomon  


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