Thursday, December 3, 2015


                High pitched horse whinny trailed off into truffle rooting pig snorts, pierced ears of cafe partisans, reined in all conversation, all sound, save for dropping ton of spoon in minestrone soup two tables over.

                "Melody, that is the most horrible giggle ever to shred an ear," Ana cut loose muffled giggle of her own, added, "and contagious." Giggle reflex unchained, finger tips to lips, Ana giggled again.

                Giggles spread across table tops from more than a few other patron lips; their ears tuned in to word next given.

                "Strange how that weird laugh verges on nuisance, yet infectiously draws folks to love you, Melody." Ana spoke from her heart.

                "Life is a melody," Melody smiled, "a breath of light, a taste of spirit, an aroma of love." Her amber eyes closed to join the flow.

                "What makes you this way, anyway?" Ana voiced what most eavesdropping cafe host nodded that they too wanted to know.

                "Well..." Melody twirled auburn curl twixt freckled fingers.

                "What? You don't want to share? Not the Melody I know." Ana propped elbows on table, intertwined fingers, laid chin in back of finger nest. "Lay it on me giggle lady." She pried.

                More than a few with sideways nods and others with eyes above wine glass rim wiggled an ear to hear.

                "Well... well, one early night lying abed, as prayers for loved ones drifted tween wake and sleep," Melody breathed, "the Lord past by..."

                The lady two tables over patted chest to keep wine from going down windpipe. Cafe wide, glasses found table top. Heads turned from sideways glances to head on straightway stares.

                "What!" Ana squeaked; worried silently, "Has my best friend lost it?"

                "Head on my pillow," soft lips of Melody parted, parted and began to flow, "head on my pillow, aroma and taste turned my face to the embrace of the Light...
                         Chiffon lime and lemon Light
                         flowing fluffy lovely Light
                         filling prayers softly in the night
                         not only with heavenly sight
                         even tasting wafting scent delight
                         precious Lord visits holy night
                         in His gentle breeze of Light
                         divine lime and lemon Light

                         Chiffon lime and lemon Light
                         dancing spirity lively Light
                         flowing thru silk curtains of the night
                         proclaiming softly precious plight
                         our loved ones to God's delight
                         once lost sinners thru grace's might
                         welcoming Jesus as their Light
                         divine lime and lemon Light

                In the cafe many tasted the aroma of Light... yet some did not... and Melody prayed for them all...

                The song part of this story describes an actual early night of visitation in the life of this author. Lays bare answer to prayer that loved ones would ask Jesus to be the light of their hearts and be baptized. It is also a beacon to all, that smell, taste, sight, hearing, touch, spirit and infinitely more are the ways our Creator communicates with us 'the way'... Jesus... the Light of the world...

The Light:
Genesis 1:1-3; 2nd Corinthians 4:6; Isaiah 60:1-5; John 1:1-14; """John 8:12"""; and Revelation 21:22-24; Psalm 119:105

The Taste: Psalm 34:8; Exodus 16:31; Proverbs 24:13-14; Song of Solomon 5:1; Psalm 119:103

The Scent: Isaiah 35:1-2; Ephesians 5:1-2

The Melody: Isaiah 55:9-13; 41:19-20; 51:3; Ephesians 5:19-20; Psalm 100


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