Saturday, November 17, 2018


                "As far as the east is from the west," Ted puffed a huff, "that's when I can stop." 

                In hie hurry stride Ted neared sidewalk trot, as he blast past Autumn Boutique, past Summers End Flowers, past Open Door Cafe... stopped, froze, ceased breath.  He stepped backward to the open door of Open Door Cafe; took eternal breath.  "There," breath rushed out, "in there, there I am."

                Ted thread door, tread up to cafe table, pulled out chair, sat down, stared eye to eye narrow at coffee sipping Self. 

                Coffee mug met table top.  "Do I know you?" Self smugly smiled. 

                Ted's noggin hurt.  "What," was all he had, yet his mind raced on, almost spit out the obvious conclusion.  

                "No Ted, I am not your twin."  Self's smile grew a tad.

                "But how, why, who?" Ted be befuddled. 

                "I once lived in you," Self hoisted mug, "but now I am sitting cross table."  Coffee steam arose, became one with inner nose.

                "So you would have me believe that you are my, my conscience, and now this is your new thing?" 

                "Not new, more gradual.  Gradually you pushed me out each time you had no time, each time you hurried out home door with Tess right there, waiting for the scent of kiss that wafted away."

                "Who are you to criticize me?  I don't even know you."  Ted's own words hurt his head.   Bewildered cry escaped Ted lips, "Jesus help." 

                In forgotten corner an antique, broken down, and unplugged jukebox whirled to life, lit up rainbow bright, set up record, played a knowing tune of knowing light, "As far as the east is from the west, that's how far love is..."

                Ted turned attention back cross table.  Through swirl of steam from lone coffee mug, he beheld empty chair.

                Ted pulled out cell phone and cancelled all appointments, accept one, a certain lip to lip at home open door... 

                ...And during that kiss, Ted held Tess tender tight till she giggled.

                "Do you feel it?" Tess whispered in Ted ear.

                "Love." Ted whispered back.

                Tess eyes found Ted's. "Yes, our love bump."  Tess tummy kicked his. 

To get attention, you gotta give attention... to God, to his son Jesus, to each other... Love... 

Proverbs 8:17 KJV  "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

John 3:16 KJV, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

As far as the east is from the west, Psalm 103    





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