Sunday, January 27, 2019


                                   ..IN THE MOONLIGHT FRAIL

                    Twixt high in the sky shore of Lake Woemeeicthee encircling volcanic ridge, moonlit wisps of chimney smoke trailed to the clear sky stars from cabins woven like bird nests neath pine, fir and maple.  Thus it was that in one such borrowed cabin, the eve of first wedding anniversary neared midnight.

                    In the pane of window flames of hearth burned reflection, framed the silhouette of love, where perched on window seat, neath relaxed lids, the eyes of Tess and Ted peeked out.

                    Ted sighed, "Beauty is drifting down snow in the pale moonlight."

                    "Yet other side of window casts icy frost bite." Warm breath drifted tween Tess soft parted lips.

                    The kiss tasted of toasty delight.

                     But yet, oh my how yet, did that pale moonlight, that aura of allure, compel the turning of faces thru window, a window to snow blanketed beach laced with volcanic black sand toes, toes strumming edge of shimmering warm waters, the tongue lapping waters of Lake Woemeeitchee.

                    In near trance they arose, led by the nose, so unlatched they the window, and about they slipped out.  Barely did stocking feet feel icy snow trail in that moonlight frail, til Ted face down fell into that icy ice snow and volcanic beach sand.  It packed his mouth and even his eyes, so were the consequences of nature's beautiful lies?

                    Tess tried to help him up, but coughing out snow mixed sand and with blinded eyes, Ted stumbled forward, ever forward into the shimmering warm waters, the tongue lapping waters of Lake Woemeeitchee.  There Ted redux fell into crater lake waters, warm waters that washed grit of sand mixed snow from eyes and mouth; til Lake Woemeeitchee wave nudged Ted to land, slapped Ted half-awake into Tess sweet hands.

                    In the pane of window, flames of hearth burned reflection, framed the silhouette of love, where perched on window seat, neath relaxed lids, the eyes of Tess and Ted peeked out.

                    "You sort a nodded off on me for a while there, didn't cha, Ted." Tess purred, ran fingers thru her sweet Ted's hair.

                    At peace, Ted sighed, "Grace is as the drifting down of snow in the pale moonlight, a blessing to my Tess and I this very night.

                    Warm breath drifted tween Tess soft parted lips, "So is the drifting snow beautiful... on this side of window."

                    The kiss tasted of toasty delight.

We are so blessed to have the pure drifting down snow... a beautiful symbol of the grace we share... when we ask Jesus into our hearts (Isaiah 1:18) (John 3:16).

Nature does not lie (Psalms 8:3-4 and Romans 1:19-20), but Satan lies about it. So did, in the book of Genesis, that old serpent Satan deceive Eve and Adam to worship the gift (creation), rather than the giver, the Creator, our LORD.  Which side of the window do you choose?

Gluggavedur: Scandi for 'window weather': What is nice to look at thru window, may not be nice to be out in... if not properly clothed.  Isaiah 61:10 KJV, "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels."

Mangata: Swedish for 'moon road,' the trail of light left by the moons reflection on the sea; i.e. the feeling of falling in love.

Lagom: Swedish for moderation and balance, health and contentment.

I think God has a lot to say about all this... in the Holy Bible...

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